Remi Rebillard | The Cinematic Beauty of a F**ked Up Life

Note | Nudity My friend Remi Rebillard about dropped dead this evening when I told him I would actually post his new ‘f**ked up’ spread — an image mashup somewhere between Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan tonight — not two weeks from now. “It works,” I told him — after mentioning that this editorial is more cinematic than others.

I may be the only person in Remi’s digital universe of websites and bloggers who can manage a suicidal ode to the great feminist writer Sylvia Plath, followed by this new tribute to young women with Modern values gone bad.

Remi’s images tap into the very real rates of growing depression and unhappiness in countries like America, where self-identity is almost exclusively defined by brands and consumption trends. I’ve yet to meet a brand that made me happy, or a club, a scene, a must-be-seen event. They are momentary highs.

Finding the Commercial in Artistry

I’ve cautioned Remi about being on a self-defeating mission with his imagery, but applaud his commitment to vision and process. And I see significant progress in his techniques.

We have a very hot article right now, one I wrote last week Trashy, Commercial, Cliché | Defining Fashion Fascist Terms. I take issue with this debate about photographers selling out and being commercial, preferring to elevate the artistic standards of the commercial. For better or worse, most of us live and work in a commercial universe.

Being a visual person, I prefer to see and evaluate for myself the individual making the critiques and sanctimonious commentary, based on his or her own work. For better or worse, readers can take me seriously or not, based on this website.

Sordid, Disconnected Beauty

The same can be said for Remi Rebillard, which is probably why we get along so well. Any photographer who is committed to making these impactful but not superficial images, possesses a strong artistic vision and a willingness to swim against the current. His images tell a true story, one I can defend with a decade’s worth of data about American values and growing levels of unhappiness and discontentment — especially among American women. (Read my Status vs Money | A Third Look at Happiness, Gender Equality & Taxes)

There is a saturated, seductive beauty in Remi’s images, in spite of their sordid debauchery. We are separated from the emotional pain, just as she is. The photographic technique underscores how easy it is to fall for false premises and empty promises of a life without principles but dressed up in enticing, slick finery and experiences we can’t seem to live without. Well done, Remi. Anne

Remi’s team includes stylist Don West; Hair and beauty team are Mary Irwin, Daniel Pasos, and Davide’ Calcinai.  More Remi Rebillard images and website.


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