Kelly Tan | Advan Matthew | Serenade : Nefertiti

Queen Neferti ruled Egypt with the Pharoah Akhenaten during the eighteenth dynasty (1550-1292 BC). It’s believed that during her reign as queen, Egypt went through many radical religious changes in which the rise of Monotheism closed down temples, forcing both citizens and priests to change their ways. Many historians believe this was a hostile and often violent transition in Egypt and surrounding lands.

Queen Nefertiti ruled for only 12 years, but she’s considered one of the most powerful Egyptian queens in history.

Her importance was greatly valued by Akhenaten and he went to great lengths to show her as his counterpart. As queen, she took on powerful roles and showed herself in ways only Egyptian kings did. For example, she was often shown with the crown of a pharaoh or was depicted in scenes of battle smiting her enemies. Akhenaten valued her so much, that he also allowed her to practice that art of priesthood and she too was allowed to make offerings to Aten. via Queens of Egypt  

These images photographer Advan Matthew are meant to depict the life of Nefertiti at various stages of her life. The story features model Kelly Tan from B-Mgt, styled by Andhika Dharmapermana, with hair and makeup by Yoga Septa.

Serenade:Nefertiti is part of ‘Piano Black  - Serenade’ in which Advan Matthew will focus on the world’s icons, presented in fashion and twisted between authentic heritage and modern trends.


via Ben Trovato Blog