Autumn Kendricks and Doriane Monnier | Brian Ypperciel | Kitten Magazine January 2011

In the world of artistic inspiration from other editorials, it’s fair for TouchPuppet to call out the obvious connections of this Kitten Magazine ‘nuns do bad girls’ by Brian Ypperciel’s lensing of Autumn Kendricks and Doriane Monnier to the more controversial NSFW Sebastian Faena editorial ‘Nun Head’ for POP 17 Fall/Winter 2008.

Ypperciel’s editorial fits here at AOC, and while I truly wanted to put ‘Nun Head’ here, too, it is just too provocative, given my very articulate voice against the Vatican and the impact of monotheism on women.

Having agreed that the inspiration is likely, I’m begging for more of these images, so I won’t fault too harshly the young Brian Ypperciel, whose editorial is well done artistically and resonates with its message.

We’ve hardly criticized naked babes on the sofa, done by hundreds of photographers. I’m not faulting someone who takes on a mission and message that puts distinctive clothes on the model, so that he’s almost unavoidably open to criticism. How many black veiled women have we seen in 2010?


via TouchPuppet