Erik Madigan Heck Captures Katya Riabinkina In 'Spring Back' For The Cut March 2018

Model Katya Riabinkina is styled by Rebecca Ramsey in 'Spring Back', lensed by Erik Madigan Heck for (New York Magazine's) The Cut March 2018./ Hair by Yoichi Tomizawa; makeup by Aya Komatsu

Related: Jackson Fine Art featured Erik Madigan Heck's work in an exhibit that closed March 17, 2018. "Approaching photography with the same eye as high art, Erik Madigan Heck’s works capture the essence of painting through the lens of his camera. His work is elegant and unashamedly beautiful, exploring the intersections of fashion, painting, and classical portraiture. Working with natural light and combining in-camera effects with digital postproduction, he produces evocative and seductive images that are simultaneously timeless and futuristic. Within this exhibition is a curated edit of photographs by Heck presented in a flowing, chromatic sequence that takes the use of light and colour to unprecedented heights. From the vibrant blues featured in “The Blue Hat” to the saturated colours of “The Absorbed Tradition," these images are positioned to become classics of the future."