Amanda Seyfried Finds 'A Place in the Sun' In Mario Testino Cover Story For Vogue US June 2015

Actor Amanda Seyfried is styled by Tonne Goodman in Mario Testino’s cover story ‘A Place in the Sun’ for Vogue US June 2015. / Hair by Christiaan; makeup by Val Garland.

Seyfried is working on a new play ‘The Way We Get By’ by Neil LaBute and directed by Leigh Silverman. The live performance is a huge action for Amanda who shares insights into the paralyzing fear she’s experienced before any kind of audience. Writes Vogue:

A few years ago, she famously downed a couple of shots of Jameson to calm her nerves before going on Letterman and appeared drunk on TV. “It made it fun for me,” she says, “but then I watched it and was like ‘That is not what I want to promote about myself.’ ” Soon after, she started seeing a shrink to help get over her debilitating fear. “I have a lot of anxiety that I’ve been struggling with my whole life,” she says. “So I have been working through it. I’m terrified, but this is exactly what I wanted.”


Amanda Seyfried plays a lawyer in TED 2, a comedy with Seth MacFarlane and Mark Wahlberg, opening in June.

