Hedvig Palm & Jeff Bark Channel Meaning Of Early 70's Spirit For Flair Magazine #16

Model Hedvig Palm and photographer Jeff Bark execute a poignant editorial statement about the early 70’s, styled by Tony Irvine for Flair Magazine #16. It’s one of the few editorials that attempt to capture the optimism and soul-searching that went on at the end of the 60’s into the early 70’s,  especially in America’s urban areas. The Vietnam War, race relations, women’s liberation, radicalism, a post-colonial world fraught with problems — these topics grabbed the mental headlines of many fashion-conscious young women preoccupied not with selfies for public consumption, but an internal identity dialogue about the establishment and change .

Many of the world’s young people in cities like London, Paris, San Francisco and New York were in an identity crisis, searching for a new and more inclusive set of values about a better world. Think John Lennon or Jimi Hendrix. 

This small editorial gem is probably lost on the young as yet another 70’s fashion statement. But if one looks closely at this beautiful mix of color and black and white photos for Flair Magazine, there is something quite big going on here. The result may even be unconscious among this talented trio of model, photographer and stylist, but our unconscious minds have a tendency to speak loud and clearly at times. This is one of them. ~ Anne

