Anne Represents Caitlin Mitchell's Amy Hixson 'Private Obsession' Limited Edition Prints

X-posted on Sensuality News Living

Anne Announces Sale of Caitlin Mitchell’s ‘Private Obsession’ Amy Hixson Limited Edition Prints  - Pt 3 (8 images 1000 dpi)

All 21 of New York photographer Caitlin Mitchell’s ‘Private Obsession’ images of Amy Hixson, with three including Sarah Dumont, are now posted on Sensuality News.

We are thrilled to say that Anne of Carversville and Sensuality News will be representing Caitlin Mitchell in the sale of the limited edition Private Obsession prints, available for purchase framed or unframed in two sizes.

Anne is very committed to advancing the career and reputation of Caitlin Mitchell, believing her to be gifted technically and artistically but also emotively, in communicating the essence of female sensuality, beauty and sophisticated eroticism in her work.

Limited edition prints at 33 inches high:

The print is $1500.00; framed is $1750.00

Limited edition prints at 22 inches high:

The print is $1000.00; framed is $1200.00

Note: costs do not include shipping.  While we assemble a checkout page featuring all the prints, please contact Anne directly if you are interested in buying a uniquely special holiday gift. Leave a phone # or your email address and she will respond immediately.

Private Obsession | Amy Hixson & Sarah Dumont by Caitlin Mitchell-2 (6 images 1000 dpi)

Private Obsession | Amy Hixson & Sarah Dumont by Caitlin Mitchell | Erotica by Jen Nash-1 (7 images 1000 dpi)

Caitlin Mitchell’s 21 Amy Hixson ‘Private Obsession’ Images Unveiled AOC Private Studio

From Anne’s first response to the Caitlin Mitchell Private Obsession images: complete set at 500 dpi

Great Sensual Minds Resist Sexual Stereotypes

It’s been said by insiders that dear friends of mine at the world’s largest lingerie brand believe that women photographers can’t bring out the innate sensuality in lingerie models. Hence, fantastic photographers like Russell James (who I adore, no secret about that) are behind the lens.

Firstly, I don’t believe that silly rumour is true about such brilliant strategists for marketing to women. But if this photography world hush hush has an ounce of truth to it — privately-speaking — then I say it’s time to change the creative minds of lingerie makers worldwide.

There’s no place like home to start the ball rolling, and I don’t mean Kansas. Go East young woman, just not all the way to the Promised Land. Caitlin Mitchell’s ‘Private Obsession’ images of Amy Hixson and Sarah Dumont just put that impossible-to-believe, stereotypical woman photographer rumour tidbit to rest imho.