Clinton Campaign Blasts Through Fundraising Goals 4th Quarter | 94% of Donations $100 or Less & Over 60% From Women

Hillary By The Numbers

The Clinton campaign closed the year 2015 with a statistical recap of all its accomplishments, writes Politico. Bottom line, the campaign reinforces the message over and over again that Clintonites take NOTHING for granted. The results:

5.52 million doors knocked and phone calls made by volunteers; 168,396 campaign miles logged by the candidate; 38 states visited; 524 town hall questions asked and answered; 89,000 volunteers helping fight for the cause; way too many selfies to count.

Wait! There's more: 1,728 librarians -- tells you something about Democrats and learning; 655 cashiers, seven bakers, eight butchers, 61 sculptors and one candlestick maker. All admit that Hillary has donors with deeper pockets, but the campaign stresses that about 94 percent of her donations are under $200.

Drum Roll Please

The campaign released its fundraising numbers this morning on New Year's Day. Our future president Hillary Clinton blasted out an incredible fundraising quarter of $37 million for the fourth quarter PLUS another $18 million in a joint fundraising effort with the DNC. This gives Hillary $55 million for the quarter.

Hillary Dominates Endorsement Primary

No other candidate in either party comes close to Hillary Clinton in Five Thirty Eight's Endorsement Primary

Just In! Hillary rings in 2016 with an endorsement from Tom Cruise ex, actor Katie Holmes.


Hillary Clinton Headlines January 1, 2016

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