Massive Backlash Builds Against Trump Among Women Over Miss Universe Insults

Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado Won't Be Defined by Donald Trump's Fat-Shaming Cosmopolitan

Donald Trump was positively ambushed by Hillary Clinton in Monday night's debate, as she waited for the right moment to unload on Trump for his body-shaming of the woman he called Miss Piggy.

Hillary's TV debate response to Lester Holt's question about Trump's assertion that Clinton doesn't look presidential -- meaning that she has no penis -- was fully-loaded:

"This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs, and dogs, and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers," Clinton said.

She then called attention to one woman in particular, who, next to Clinton herself, would emerge as the most famous following the debate. “And one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest — he loves beauty contests, supporting them, and hanging around them — and he called this woman 'Miss Piggy.' Then he called her 'Miss Housekeeping,' because she was Latina.”

"Where did you find her, where did you find her?" Trump interrupted, but Clinton pressed on: "And she has a name, Alicia Machado, and she has become a U.S. citizen ... and you can bet she's going to vote this November." The audience, against the debate's house rules, burst into applause.

So confident was the Clinton campaign that one way or another, Hillary would be able at some point in the debate to take Latina Alicia Machado's case to voters that her post-debate response was ready to go.

1. Machado quickly affirmed her support for Clinton on her Twitter feed. 2. The campaign had an ad ready to go. 3. Machado has an online interview in Cosmopolitan today.

Then there is the help that Trump himself gave the 'fat shaming' of the former Miss Universe issue yesterday, as the totally predictable Trump doubled down on his actions from two decades. And this meglomaniac thinks he has the brainpower to handle Vladimir Putin??? The Russians must be doubled over with laughter.

Were the Trump children cringing -- or did at least Ivanka say: "Daddy, shut the hell up!!!!!!" Probably no -- unless the Trump kids are watching their future fortunes flushed down the proverbial toilet because Big Daddy just can't zip up his mouth.

As for launching a crusade against Bill Clinton's past infidelities, can someone make it clear that Bill Clinton is a spouse, whereas thrice-married Donald Trump himself was never able to keep his fly zipped up?

If you doubt that a gutter-level response is waiting for the Trumpster if he unloads on Bill Clinton over past infidelities, think again. Hillary herself won't go there, but the Internet has its own toxic culture, and the Clinton campaign will manage to unload Trump's fair share on his own campaign.

It's called HYPOCRISY with a capital H, and we will unload on Trump for her.You have been warned Mr. Orange Man. ~ Anne

Related: That Seventh-Grade Bully Is Running for President by Nicholas Kristof New York Times

Kesha Supports Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, slams Donald Trump: 'He Is A Bully' Billboard

Shamed and Angry: Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe Mocked by Trump New York Times

Cover Story: Donald Trump Is Barry Blitt's 'Miss Congeniality' The New Yorker

She  was the worst we ever had, the worst, the absolute worst, she was impossible,” Donald Trump told Fox News the morning after his debate with Hillary Clinton, defending his treatment of Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe whom he called “Miss Piggy,” when she gained weight after the pageant, and “Miss Housekeeping,” in apparent reference to her heritage. Watching the debate, the artist Barry Blitt recognized a significant moment in the Presidential campaign. Of all Trump’s dangerous beliefs, Blitt said, his misogyny “might just be his Achilles’ heel.”

Trump Zips Up His Own Fly & Goes After Bill Clinton

PSA: It's really, really sexist to blame Hillary Clinton for Bill's infidelity ThinkProgress

Punditsjournalists, and real-time polls agree: The first presidential debate was a bad night for Republican nominee Donald Trump. In full spin mode, Trump campaign operatives are now grasping at straws — and, continuing on a common theme, they’re coming up sexist.

In a particularly egregious example, Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani said that Hillary Clinton is “too stupid to be president” because she didn’t know about her husband’s infidelity, continuing a grossly sexist line of attack the campaign has employed before.

10 Emotional Abuse Tactics That Trump Blatantly Used in the First Debate EveryDay Feminism

The reason why this year’s election has caused a heightened and exacerbated sense of anxiety among many people is because Trump’s language is not your typical political rhetoric. In fact, the language he employs comes straight out the handbook of toxic masculinity.

That is, he uses toxic tactics of emotional abuse – especially emotional abuse aimed at women – in order to put other people down. The tactics are powerful, emotionally violent, and often disarming against their victims.

Hillary Clinton Headlines September 28, 2016

Donald Trump Proved to Be No Ronald Reagan The Atlantic

Comey on Clinton email probe: 'Don't call us weasels' Politico

Private Prison Stocks Just Tanked As Hillary Calls For End of State Private Prisons Occupy Democrats

Clinton Picks Up Two Unprecedented Endorsements Second Nexus

Trump? How Could We by Thomas Friedman New York Times

Trump fundraising record not all it appears Politico

Trump and the Truth: The 'Lying' Media The New Yorker

AOL founder Steve Case: 'I'm voting for Hillary Politico

Donald Trump's Cruel Streak The Atlantic

Trump Assails Hillary, Saying Her Only Attribute Is Being A Woman


A young generation will soon get a front row seat at sexism in action. For all our young women -- and young men -- listen up and watch a sexist circus in action. You think America is so liberated? Think again.

Even Gov. Chris Christie's wife raised her eyebrows last night, listening to Trump talk trash about Hillary in his big speech. The man cannot help himself.

"Trump said that if she were not playing that card, "frankly ... she would be doing poorly."
Asked how he knew that, Trump replied simply, "I know it. If she was a man and she was the way she is she would get virtually no votes."
Appearing minutes later on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Trump responded to a clip of Clinton addressing her supporters in Philadelphia on Tuesday night in which she said, "if fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in.”
Trump said that he was still "recovering" from Clinton's "shouting."
"I know a lot of people would say you can't say that about a woman, because of course a woman doesn't shout," Trump said. "The way she shouted that message was not -- that's the way she said it, and I guess I'll have to get used to a lot of that over the next four or five months."'

The Cult of Sore Losers by Frank Bruni The New York Times

Bernie Sanders isn’t losing. Just ask many of his backers or listen to some of his own complaints. He’s being robbed, a victim of antiquated rules, voter suppression, shady arithmetic and a corrupt Democratic establishment. The swindle includes the South’s getting inordinate sway and the poor none at all. If Americans really had a voice, they would shout “Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!” until too hoarse to shout anymore.
Donald Trump isn’t winning. Just ask Ted Cruz, by whose strange and self-serving logic it is “the will of the people” (his actual words) that he and John Kasich collude to prevent Trump from amassing a majority of delegates so that some runner-up with less demonstrable support can leapfrog past him to become the Republican presidential nominee. Democracy in action

America's Income and Wealth Gap

Bernie Sanders Exaggerates Concentration of Wealth Income for Top 1 Percent Politifact

Although Bernie Sanders has publicly acknowledged that a 2015 analysis of income inequality dropped the estimate of the amount of wealth accumulated by the top 1% to 58% from 91%. I'm not arguing that 58% is reasonable, fair or just either. But this erroneous claim is a core lie in the Sanders campaign. 

The Growing Wealth Gap Between Rich and Poor Students Who Earn A College Degree The Atlantic

Students who grew up in poor households represent an increasingly smaller portion of America's college graduates. A new report urges the United States to dedicate more resources and national focus to closing the college-completion gap between wealthier students and those from low-income backgrounds. Quite literally, the country's economic potential could hang in the balance. 

America faces a dearth of college-educated workers that will be needed to fill the majority of the country’s new jobs—two-thirds of which will require some college background by 2020. Lower-income workers do not have the skills to fill those jobs, relying instead on jobs that leverage a high-school degree. Despite presidential candidate promises to restore well-paying jobs in manufacturing and the trades for American workers, reality suggests they are largely a relic of the nation’s industrial past. The basic math underscoring America’s future labor needs points to a national economy that holds no promise for the unskilled poor. Such a reality would exacerbate the already substantial social and economic strain in America.

Big Bernie Demands

Bernie Sanders Will Support Hillary Clinton But He's Sticking To Some Key Demands TIME

Hillary Clinton will sit down with the leaders of the Democratic party -- not Bernie Sanders -- to determine the Democratic platform. Bernie Sanders will not be dictating where Hillary must stand to get his support, because Hillary will not commit political suicide with a platform that may inspire Sanders supporters but guarantee massive losses for all Democrats.

Nancy Pelosi is already on the record saying "no middle class tax increases", putting her in fundamental opposition to Sanders. Remember that only if Bernie's ideas work, will costs come down. The most prominent economists have blown massive holes in his economic math. All the risk is on the front end to taxpayers. In fact when taxpayers learn what will happen to their taxes, they say "no way".

The new Harvard survey puts 60% of millennials willing to support Hillary with enthusiasm. And the candidate will work with them one-on-one in smaller groups to establish a solid rapport with millennials. HIllary is the kind of candidate who will assemble a commission of millennials to advise her.

Bernie thinks he's calling all the shots. But in reality, he's fully absorbed in his own power, and the media is complicit in encouraging him, as are his most devout supporters.

Hillary also holds a massive vice presidential candidate ace, and we see the possibilities as much different than most pundits. Hillary Clinton is much less focused on "do you like me". Hillary isn't looking for "yes" people, although someone like Bernie could never be her VP after all the damage he has done. He would be real Polonius lurking in her closet. Are there other progressives who can fill the bill? Yes -- and one in particular.

Hillary will decide in July -- and perhaps not until after the GOP convention -- how to shuffle her cards. Bernie will be important, but Sanders will not be running her show -- and he is ego-obsessed to think he will. It does make for great conflict journalism, especially with Bernie being so dedicated to hacking Hillary to bits, metaphoricallyspeaking. ~ Anne

Hillary Clinton Headlines April 27, 2016

Donald Trump Says He's Going to Use a Lot of Bernie Sanders's Material Against Clinton NY Magazine

Polls Say Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary. Don't Believe Them Slate

Former Bernie Sanders Staffers Seek To Elect A 'Brand New Congress' Huffington Post

Hillary Clinton: Women and prison -- the cost in money and lives CNN

Did Bernie Sanders just suggest he will lose? Washington Post