Emily's List Launches Creative Council for Hillary | Shonda Rhimes Spreads Star Power Over Hillary

Lena Dunham may be the front-runner face, as the Clinton campaign tries to light its own fire under millenial voters. But plenty of big names are on board the launch of Creative Council, targeted at reaching this crucial November voting block. Single women, in particular, can turn the next presidential election for Hillary, if they choose to turn out. 

EMILY'S list, committed to launching a campaign to 'disrupt a boys' club', has reached beyond political circles to design a committee of co-chairs that include Dunham's mother Laurie Simmons, Shonda Rhimes, Uzo Aduba (Suzanne 'Crazy Eyes' Warren in Orange is the New Black' for which she won a Primetime Emmy), Padma Lakshmi,  and more

EMILY’s List has a mission that young woen really get. When women lead, we get better, saner laws for women and men everywhere. It’s time to harness our enthusiasm and our expertise to get that message out before November. It’s about the courts, it’s about Congress, it’s about our health and our economic stability and our future. Young women are some of the most motivated people I know – we’re going to turn them into an army of motivated voters over the next eight months.

I'm With Hillary

A new campaign ad delivers a powerhouse message on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Launched last week, Shonda Rhimes gets the high-profile support of colleagues in the sisterhood Kerry Washington, Ellen Pompeo and Viola Davis in a deeply personal ad directed by Tony Goldwyn (who plays President Fitz on 'Scandal!') 

"Every day I wake up and play a brilliant, get-it-done woman," Kerry Washington says, referencing her character in Scandal. Viola Davis notes that her character onHow To Get Away With Murder is "overqualified" and "obsessively fights for justice," while Ellen Pompeo says that her Grey's Anatomy character "gets knocked down and always gets back up." Does that sound remarkably similar to someone we know?

"Our characters are on television," they say, "but the real world has Hillary Clinton." They go on to call her a "champion for all of us" before declaring, "I'm with Hillary."