Is Media Really Qualified To Discuss What Politicians Are Authentic & Those Who Are Not?

Large numbers of Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked to hear the anti-Hillary MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchell actually report the story about House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's admissions that the candidate would have been "unbeatable" without the intervention of the Select Committee on Benghazi, which is committed to destroying Clinton's presidential chances. 

The word now is that Mitchell is not pleased that her voice is used in Hillary Clinton's new campaign ad. That is such a pity for Andrea, because It's out understanding that news reporters don't own their words -- something about the public airwaves. 

VOX writes: 

It was a stunning acknowledgment of the political nature of the committee's work, and Clinton allies believe it will take the sting out of the investigation. Moreover, it couldn't have come at a better time — or on a better issue — for her. That's because she's locked in a primary against Bernie Sanders, and possibly Vice President Joe Biden, and some Democrats have been concerned about her handling of the email scandal at the center of the committee's work. Now Democrats have a vivid reminder of just how much Republicans hate Clinton, which could help rally them to her defense.

Joe Biden & Maureen Dowd

Exclusive: Biden himself leaked word of his son's dying wish Politico

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is more pathological in her hatred of the Clintons than MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell or the Morning Joe crowd, about whom we write often. Still, it was a shock on Aug. 1 when Dowd wrote in her weekend column about the pleas of Vice President Joe Biden's dying son Beau's final wishes. 

According to multiple sources, it was Biden himself who talked to her, painting a tragic portrait of a dying son, Beau’s face partially paralyzed, sitting his father down and trying to make him promise to run for president because "the White House should not revert to the Clintons and that the country would be better off with Biden values.”

Politico writer Edward-Isaac Dovere's piece carried the sub-headline: "The vice president is mourning. He's also calculating."

AOC and HillaryWomen News on Facebook have no interest in speculating about Joe Biden's motives or intentions. But this VOX article really got our attention. 

Imagine how the press would react if Hillary Clinton did what Joe Biden just did VOX

Since Joe Biden has been weighing a run for president, members of the press have repeatedly praised him for his "authenticity." This has largely been in contrast to Hillary Clinton, who is frequently pilloried by the media as secretive and calculating, and has its members yearning for a more natural candidate. "With Joe Biden, what you see is what you get," Mike Barnicle wrote for the Daily Beast.

The refreshingly insightful VOX reminds us not to trust media accounts of who is authentic. VOX goes so far as to suggest that "authenticity" seems to be a synonym for "better at working the press" or more "fun to cover".  

Politico's Glenn Thrush tweeted on August 1, the date of Dowd's article: "Joe Biden (while being a natural born bullshit artist) is the nicest most sincere and menschy national pol I've ever covered.

We ALL know that no one would cut candidate Clinton any slack if her actions mirrored Biden's. If Hillary is involved, the media employ different strokes for different folks -- which is why the younger and less incestuous VOX and Buzzfeed are fresh political reads these days. 

Hillary Headlines Oct 7

Hillary Clinton Flexes Political Muscle in Key States NBC

Hillary Clinton comes out against trade deal CNN

Sanders gets his first congressional endorsement Politico

Clinton leads every Democrat under the sun PPP

About 20% of Americans Trust Media As Most Look To Sources Like #HillaryMen For News About Hillary Clinton

Media Drops Coverage of Ideas

Public Distrust in US Institutions Plummets


American Faith In Institutions — Including Newspapers & Television — Hits New Lows

A June 2015 Gallup survey of the confidence among Americans in our institutions has hit all-time lows. with Congress having the lowest approval rating of all at 8%. Only the US military and small business have ratings above their historical averages, with 72% and 67% confidence ratings.

It’s interesting to note the public’s historical lack of confidence in both newspapers and television news. with current ratings in the low 20s but historical averages in the low 30s. These long-term averages predate the digital age and one can only assume that confidence in the fairness and accuracy of news reporting is even lower among younger voters.

MSNBC Saves Money Running New Nightly Donald Trump Show

For two nights running, MSNBC has featured the Donald Trump show, a compendium of all matters Trump — true or not. Last night’s show promised a foreign policy speech aboard the USS Iowa, a 57,000-ton battleship in Los Angeles Harbor.

Instead we watched The Donald throwing free baseball caps into the crowd as the 2016 presidential candidate blasted immigration, trade and national security in advance of tonight’s CNN Republican party debate at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.  Read more about Trump’s speech at the LA Times.

MSNBC finds no time to use its broadcast license to talk policies among the candidates and especially Hillary Clinton. A candidate’s platform and concrete ideas are of no interest to MSNBC, who is obsessed with all things Trump and the Hillary Clinton email scandal.




Public rejects MSNBC’s shallow reporting on Hillary Clinton

Does the public just swallow MSNBC’s shallow, agenda-rich reporting of Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Increasingly not,reports #HillaryMen this morning. The three-month old website is a favorite of mine

We attribute the widespread sharing of #HillaryMen content to Hillary’s deep grassroots support. For example:

The Great American Brainwash: Half a Billion Dollars to Turn the Public against Hillary (18,000+ social shares in one month)

Time for the U.S. Media to Apologize to Hillary Clinton (7,000+ social shares in four days).

NEW: Report Proves Quinnipiac Hillary ‘Liar’ Poll Was False and Slanderous (7,500 social shares in 48 hours)

The 2016 race is just kicking into gear. Hillary has been under intense fire since the day she announced. She is the central target of nearly two dozen candidates. Shadowy conservative groups led by the likes of Karl Rove are spending hundreds of millions to smear her. Media coverage has been a disgrace, with reporters and pundits transparently manipulating the public against her. Sexism rears its ugly head daily.

Deeply committed to electing Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States, Anne of Carversville has covered Clinton since 2009. Thoroughly disgusted with the media’s coverage of Hillary Clinton generally and MSNBC’s coverage specifically — making NO allowances for the New York Times’ false and biased reporting of the candidate — we have joined an army of well-intentioned, research-focused, honest bloggers and writers who are committed to Clinton and the communication of her platform for America. ~ Anne