Natalie Portman Refuses To Accept Israel's Genesis Prize, Refusing To Appear With Benjamin Netanyahu,

Natalie Portman has been very critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.CreditRachel Murray/Getty Images for Paramount

Oscar-winning actor Natalie Portman has backed out of a major award ceremony in Israel as this year's recipient of the Genesis Prize --, citing the scheduled presence of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the event. Portman issues a statement late Friday saying that she did not wish to appear as endorsing the prime minister. 

Portman, who is Jewish and was born in Israel, has starred in such hit movies as “Black Swan” and the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy. She directed a 2015 feature, “A Tale of Love and Darkness,” an adaptation of the autobiographical novel by the Israeli author Amos Oz and shot in Jerusalem.

In her statement Friday, Ms. Portman said: “I am not part of the B.D.S. movement and do not endorse it. Like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can be critical of the leadership in Israel without wanting to boycott the entire nation.”

“Israel,” she said, “was created exactly 70 years ago as a haven for refugees from the Holocaust. But the mistreatment of those suffering from today’s atrocities is simply not in line with my Jewish values. Because I care about Israel, I must stand up against violence, corruption, inequality, and abuse of power.”

Portman has been very critical of Netanyahu in the past, saying she was "very, very upset aned disappointed" over his 2015 re-election. “I find his racist comments horrific,” she said, according to The New York Times. 

The Genesis Prize was founded in 2013 to celebrate Jewish achievement and contribution to humanity, in the words of the organizers. Its founding partners are listed on the prize website as the Israeli prime minister’s office, the Genesis Philanthropy Group and the Jewish Agency for Israel, a quasi-governmental organization that deals with Jewish immigration and the wider Jewish diaspora. Previous laureates include Michael R. Bloomberg (2014), Michael Douglas (2015), Itzhak Perlman (2016), and Anish Kapoor (2017).

Trump Supporters Claim They Will Murder Hillary Clinton

There Will Be Blood: At a Donald Trump rally, supporters call for the death of Hillary Clinton The New Republic

They've got murder on their minds now.
At the previous Donald Trump rally I'd attended, in Greensboro, North Crolina, Hillary Clinton was called a 'bitch' more times than I could count. 'Trump That Bitch' was the most common refrain. They shouted it from the rafters, wore T-shirts emblazoned with it. But at a rally in Raleigh on Tuesday night, a new cry rang out:
'Hang that bitch!'
The anger among Trump supporters toward the presumptive Democratic nominee apparently had escalated in the past month, perhaps especially so after FBI Director James Comey announced on Tuesday morning that he would not seek criminal charges against Clinton over her email scandal. This was a travesty against justice, obvious proof of corruption. As Trump said on stage, “Today is the best evidence ever, that we’ve seen, that our system is absolutely, totally rigged.”
Clinton might have escaped criminal justice, but this mob had a different kind of justice in mind. Trumping that bitch was no longer good enough. Now they wanted her dead.

Trump's son-in-law under fire from family Politico

Donald Trump's Jewish son-in-law and husband of Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner has stirred up a hornet's nest in his own family for invoking the memory of their grandparents in his assertion that Donald Trump is not anti-Semitic.

Kushner attempted to defend his father-in-law from what the Trump campaign says is a journalistic mob propelled by political correctness. Specifically Kushner was responding to an open letter to him as owner and publisher of the New York Observer from writer Dana Schwartz.

Related and Just IN!: An Open Letter to Jared Kushner, From One of Your Jewish Employees The Observer

In a piece published Wednesday, Kushner revealed his grandparents' story World War II survival story because, he wrote, “it’s important to me that people understand where I’m coming from when I report that I know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points.”

Kushner’s relatives are very upset about his decision to invoke their grandparents’ story as Holocaust survivors.

“I have a different take­away from my Grandparents' experience in the war,” Marc Kushner, a New York City-based architect and first cousin, wrote in a Facebook post Thursday morning with a link to his cousin’s Op-Ed. “It is our responsibility as the next generation to speak up against hate. [Sic] Anti­semitism or otherwise.”
Jacob Schulder, another cousin, went even further in a comment on Marc Kushner’s post, writing: “When an out of touch with reality nominee hires an out of touch with reality campaign manager, who is also a son­-in-­law, you get the BS Jared wrote. I don't think Trump is an anti­Semite; I think he's a lying idiot (among other things) with little to no experiences outside his teetering fiefdom of failed development projects, divorces, bankrupted sports leagues, fraudulent "Universities" and golf courses (and the list keeps going). The very first thing a responsible campaign manager should do, I'd think, and I mean the very first thing, would be to take away his father-­in­-law's Twitter account. Even Joseph Kushner would've had the street smarts to figure that one out while living on boiled potatoes in the forest.”
He continued: “That my grandparents have been dragged into this is a shame. Thank you Jared for using something sacred and special to the descendants of Joe and Rae Kushner to validate the sloppy manner in which you've handled this campaign. From the references to "Palestine" at the AIPAC conference (which got Donald jeered) to the justification of the itchy Twitter fingers your father­in­law has, you've managed to further prove what so many of us have known for many years. Kudos to you for having gone this far; no one expected this. But for the sake of the family name, which may have no meaning to you but still has meaning to others, please don't invoke our grandparents in vain just so you can sleep better at night. It is self serving and disgusting.”

The Hillary Clinton Email Case Will Never Be Over Mother Jones

It's not likely that the email fuss will go away. Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his minions will not stop pointing to the matter as evidence of Clinton's supposed crookedness—and the right-wing calls to imprison her will not be silenced. (There's too much money to be made off "Hillary Clinton for Prison 2016" T-shirts.)
The blame for the scandal—or scandalette—remains with Clinton and her team. It was a dumb move for her to use private email servers—especially when she and her aides could have assumed that Clinton, as a potential presidential candidate, would face greater scrutiny. And when her attorneys destroyed 30,000 or so emails they deemed personal before turning over the rest to the State Department, they guaranteed this matter could never be fully settled, because her critics could always charge that incriminating material had been erased to protect her.
The email controversy will not now be deleted. It is too good of an attack line for Clinton's opponents, especially Trump. Only Election Day results can put this matter to rest. Then again, maybe not.

Related: Donald Trump Lashes Out At FBI Over Decision Not to Recommend Charges Against Hillary Clinton Mother Jones

Netanyahu vs. the Generals Politico

In his speech, Barak accused Netanyahu of cowardice, opportunism and fear-mongering. He warned that Israel's current government, arguably the most right wing in its history, was showing “signs of fascism,” and that if Netanyahu wasn’t stopped, Israel was on course to become an apartheid state. “The entire Zionist project is in grave danger,” he proclaimed. And the main source of that danger wasn't Israel’s external enemies, but rather its own democratically elected leader.

Barak hasn’t let up since. “Netanyahu,” he said in a televised interview broadcast a day after his angry speech, “has gone off the rails. He needs to go.”

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