Hillary Clinton Defies Voters' Anti-Woman Bias In Perceived Competency & Strength

Why Bernie Sanders Can't Win Politico

Politico writers conclude what Hillary Clinton's most ardent supporters believe about the Bernie Sanders campaign: 1) populism might build crowds, but it won't deliver victories for Democrats. To argue that there is a mirror image -- although clearly built on different values -- between Trump supporters and Sanders supporters lands me in hot water with Sanders progressives, but there is truth to the argument.

2) Sanders supporter are misdiagnosing the anger of the American electorate. The 'political revolution' that Sanders demands, isn't really in the cards because voters aren't actually angry at the 'American way' and capitalism.

The anger is against government and a rigged political system in which government is run to protect the interests of corporations and the wealthy.

“The U.S. Constitution is the most beautiful document ever written, but politics keeps it from working,” lamented another Democratic primary voter from Denver. This sentiment was everywhere in our focus groups."

Politico argues that Democrats are angry over a rigged system, not fundamental capitalist ideals at work in America in the 50s-60s. Americans support entrepreneurialism and the American dream. They actually don't blame billionaires taking advantage of the tax loopholes offerred to them. They would be stupid not to do so.

Hillary Clinton: Tough Lady

Hillary eyes Early Sanders KO The Hill

Clinton World wants to knock Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic presidential race with a resounding win in the Iowa caucuses.
If the threat from Sanders isn’t neutralized by the Feb. 1 caucuses, allies of Hillary Clinton hope to finish off the liberal challenger on March 1, when 12 states hold contests on what’s commonly called Super Tuesday.

Hillary Defies Voter Bias In Competence In Female Candidates

Hillary Clinton's Toughness New York Times

The Paris attacks and the 2016 presidential race YouGov poll

Research always confirms that when voters look at equally experienced male and female politicians, “the man will still be seen as more capable on issues of national security and defense,” Meredith Conroy, a professor of political science at California State University, San Bernardino, wrote to Thomas B. Edsall's inquiry about the current election. But “Hillary is able to overcome this and other gender stereotypes. She turns much of the scholarship on voter perceptions of Democratic candidates, and furthermore female politicians, on its head.”

A late November YouGov survey conducted after the attacks in Paris but before San Bernardino found that Hillary Clinton stood apart from all the men:  Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina as the only candidate a majority of voters believe

is ready to be Commander in Chief. She is the only one about whom as many people express confidence in her ability to handle an international crisis as say they are uneasy.

There is a striking dichotomy between voters’ evaluation of the Democratic Party’s ability to deal with terrorism and their belief in Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Headlines

Hillary Clinton Talks Tough On Executive Action Wall Street Journal

Bernie Sanders' Biggest Limitation ABC News

New Hampshire remains a Sanders Stronghold CNN

Hillary Clinton Calls For SCOTUS To UPhold 'One Person, One Vote' TPM

Why Elizabeth Warren Keeps Hillary Clinton At Arm's Length The Daily Beast

Hillary Clinton: The Conservative Obamacare Reformer Forbes

Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire: Beauty Queens & The Blue Bus With Two Chickens On Board

Campaigning in New Hampshire over Fourth of July weekend 2015, both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders appealed to traditional American values.

One wouldn't typically put beauty queens and Hillary Clinton in the same breath. Still, today's pageant winners are often committed to making a difference in their worlds and they are quick to point out that the poise and skills learned by young women participating in pageants are far more resourceful and self-esteem building than subjecting oneself to the Internet obsession of winning popularity selfie contests on Instagram.  In this photo of Hillary and tomorrow's female leaders, any self-respecting feminist knows what that arm salute is all about. Go Rosie!

Bernie Sanders rode to New Hampshire's Fourth of July events draped in down home messaging more retro than they could possibly muster in Alabama or Louisiana. The man who detests shopping and consuming worked hard to communicate his no nonsense Cuba-style pragmatism to New Hampshire voters. I say Cuba, because the Scandinavian countries that Bernie purports to emulate are very 21st century technology and advocate new ways of manufacturing and efficiency. Their imagery is not one of a broken-down putt-putt.

Bernie's bus definitely carried a 1950s vision for America, rolling into New Hampshire with the candidate, two chickens and Bob Dylan's 'The Times They Are A Changing'  blaring from the loudspeaker.  Much as we love Bob Dylan, many Hillary supporters say "been there, done that".  And for reasons that most of us don't fully understand, we lost that Bob Dylan revolutionary battle on many fronts half a century ago. Bernie would say "blame it on the billionaires" but for Hillary supporters, the reasons are a lot more complicated. 

As for the chickens named Clucky and Chucky, New Hampshire blogger Wendy E.M. Thomas tried to answer the question of just why two chickens were riding on Bernie's bus on her "Lessons Learned From the Flock" blog.  Unlike Hillary and her beauty queens, Wendy came up empty-handed. (Note, Wendy is quick to remind readers that a story does not imply an endorsement. )

For this Hillary supporter who recalls that just 15 years ago I was flying with more than two chickens on a prop jet in China, and now Shanghai towers with 40-story skyscrapers.  the chickens got me thinking. They serve -- and not in some stew -- to remind me that income inequality has increased dramatically as a national threat to America's success in the world,. The challenge lies in how to solve this dramatic problem.

I am unable to document that Bernie has ever been to China, and I've looked for weeks. In fact, Bernie has traveled little in life -- if Google searches tell you anything.

Bernie's blue bus reminds me of America's crumbling architecture, one that's starting to rival Havana's. But his trillion dollar jobs proposal is focused entirely on rebuilding that infrastructure and not training workers to fight for higher-paying jobs in the 21st century economy.  And then there is the retro, Betty Crocker reality that probably 90% of those jobs would go to men, given the lack of female participation in the construction industry.

I see one rooster in that Bernie blue bus cage. (Did PETA approve this ride?) There had better not be, too. ~ Anne

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Enter New Phase in Battle for New Hampshire Bloomberg News

"There’s a key difference between the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign in that Clinton made an early investment in recruiting top volunteer organizers, top paid field organizers, political supporters like state senators who make a massive difference," said Sean Downey, a Democratic consultant who was Obama 2012's New Hampshire political director. “At the end of the day, those things count for something and it’s one of the many things that’s going to make a difference for Clinton at the end."
Clinton's effort on the ground in New Hampshire "looks and feels a lot like the Obama 2008 ground game," said Jim Demers, who was a co-chair for that campaign. "Volunteers are in the offices on a regular basis, they're targeting, canvassing ... it really does rival that really aggressive campaign of 2008."
As of Sunday, 5,500 people had volunteered for the Clinton campaign in New Hampshire, and she'd secured the endorsement of nine of 10 Democratic state senators, according to a memo from state director Mike Vlacich marking 100 days until the primary. "We started this campaign in April with a plan and stuck to it," he wrote. "The result is a strong, durable organization built upon lasting relationships."

Hillary Headlines Nov. 2, 2015

Brady Center to Recognize Hillary Clinton for Lifelong Efforts to Stop Gun Violence Brady Center

Sanders campaign releases first TV ad Politico

Clinton Foundation donors keep giving despite scrutiny The Hill

Clinton's young black challenge Politico

Hillary Clinton accused Bernie Sanders of sexism. She's not the first one. The Week