Hillary Clinton Endorsed By 3 Million Strong National Education Association | Clinton Gives Intense Speech For LGBT Rights | Hillary Headlines Oct. 3 2015

Powerful NEA Teachers Union Endorses HIllary Clinton For President US News

The 3 million-member National Education Association endorsed Hillary Clinton for president Saturday, giving her the support of both national teachers unions.

Many were not surprised by the endorsement. Education policy has been a priority for Hillary Clinton since the dawn of her career and her earliest days in the 1970s when she worked for what is today called the Children's Defense Fund. CDF is an advocacy organization for children in poverty and those with disabilities. 

Candidate Clinton has always called Marian Wright Edelman her most important mentor and close friend, although their relationship became stressed after then President Bill Clinton signed a welfare reform bill in 1996.

Hillary Clinton Pledges To Defend LGBT Rights TIME

Speaking to the nation’s largest gay rights group, 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told an engaged, enthusiastic and warm audience of activists, donors and political operatives that, if elected President, she would link arms with them. TIME calls the former Secretary of State’s remarks to the Human Rights Campaign "remarkable for their intensity and for their tone."

“Our work is not finished until every single person is treated with equal rights and dignity that they deserve, no matter how old they are, no matter where they live, whether it is New York or Wyoming or anywhere else,” Clinton said.

Brock to Hillary Donors: 'Buck Up & Chill Out' Politico

“We can’t let the garbage get in the way of electing the best candidate in this race and the first woman president,” Brock told donors, according to the source. Brock said at least some of the scrutiny of Clinton’s handling as Secretary of State of the 2011 attacks in Benghazi and her personal email use may be traced to “the impulse in our culture to keep the woman down,” said the source.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Dominate Facebook in Early States Politico

From Aug. 30 to Sept. 29, 210,000 Iowans made 873,000 interactions (likes, mentions, comments) about Trump. 106,000 Iowans made 446,000 interactions about Clinton in that same time period and 77,000 Iowans made 413,000 interactions about Bernie Sanders. Ben Carson was the second most-talked-about Republican in Iowa, with 57,000 Iowans making 252,000 interactions.
In New Hampshire, 98,000 people made 452,000 interactions about Trump, followed by Clinton who had 51,000 people make 240,000 interactions about her. Sanders was once again in third with 45,000 people making 264,000 interactions about him. Carly Fiorina was the second-most-talked about Republican in New Hampshire, with 22,000 people making 72,000 interactions about her.
In South Carolina, Trump had 312,000 people make 1.512 million interactions about him in the past month. Clinton was once again in second with 134,000 people making 552,000 interactions, followed by Carson who had 122,000 people make 581,000 interactions about him. Sanders came in fourth, with 75,000 people making 358,000 interactions.

Hillary Headlines Oct 3 2015

Hillary Clinton Says Coal Company's Bankruptcy Plan Hurts Miners NYTimes

Hillary Clinton Is Consistently Late. And Voters Are Noticing CNN

Hillary Clinton slams Republicans and the NRA over gun laws TIME.COM

Bernie Sanders' ackward history with guns in America Politico