Bernie Sanders Turns Fire On Hillary Clinton As Not Being Qualified Due To Having Bad Judgment

Bernie Sanders sats 'something is clearly lacking' in Hillary Clinton's judgment Washington Post

After a week in which the two Democratic presidential candidates questioned each other’s preparations and qualifications, Bernie Sanders on Sunday took aim at Hillary Clinton’s judgment, saying “something is clearly lacking.”
During talk show appearances, the senator from Vermont continued to zero in on Clinton’s acceptance of special-interest money, her support for the Iraq War and her past backing of international trade agreements.
“In many respects, she may have the experience to be president of the United States,” Sanders said during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “No one can argue that. But in terms of her judgement, something is clearly lacking.”

Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be president? Take the quiz, and you'll learn a lot about Hillary Clinton's past accomplishments.

Poll: Hillary Leads Bernie In Both New York and PA, Says New Fox Poll

New York

In New York Hillary leads Bernie 54% to 37% a similar spread as to the Emerson poll released a few days ago. In terms of delegates, a win of this size would give Clinton 145 delegates to Sanders' 102.

In New York, Clinton gets 61 percent of support from black voters to Sanders's 29 percent. She also wins among whites in her adopted home state, by a 13-point margin. Sanders wins among men (by four points) and people younger than 45 (by 11). Clinton wins everywhere else. We suspect also that Hillary is winning over 30. Pundits never talk about the reality that 65-70% of Bernie's votes comes from age 30 and younger.


Clinton is up 11% 49% to 38%.

The New York poll surveyed 1,403 New York voters between April 4-7. For Democrats, 801 likely primary voters were polled for a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points; for Republicans, 602 likely primary voters were surveyed for a margin of error of plus or minus 4 points.

The Pennsylvania poll surveyed 1,607 Pennsylvania voters between April 4-7. For both Democrats and Republicans, the margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Bernie's Numbers Don't Add Up

Bernie Sanders Is Even Less Competitive Than He Appears FiveThirtyEight

For all Bernie's talk about the "will of the people", reality is that he has captured 46% of the pledged delegates from 42% of the raw votes. We don't know why everyone is eyeing the superdelegates with the idea that bernie is getting screwed by the system. It seems that Hillary is the one shorted on pledged delegates if the focus is votes cast.

The Truth On Bernie & The Vatican

Vatican: Pope Didn't Invite Bernie Sanders The Daily Beast

We seem to have general agreement around Bernie's trip to the Vatican & confirmation that he asked to be invited.

Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo. chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences initially disputed the terse commentary of Margaret Archer, president of Pontifical Academy of Social Science, saying the Sanders invited himself and that he was guilty of "monumental discourtesy."

“Sanders made the first move, for the obvious reasons,” Archer told Bloomberg. “He may be going for the Catholic vote but this is not the Catholic vote and he should remember that and act accordingly -- not that he will.”
Sorondo later toned down his initial comments telling CNN the invitation should not be seen as an endorsement of the senator’s nomination. “It does not signify any support of the campaign," Sorondo said. "We want to establish a dialogue between North America and South America so we thought to invite a [U.S.] politician. The President of Bolivia will also be there. Perhaps the others (candidates) would have been interested but they did not request to come."
He also confirmed to CNN that Sanders had reached out to the Vatican first. “He has expressed an interest many times in the Pope's encyclical and it's clear that he has an interest in studying it,” Sorondo said. “It might have that effect, but we are not looking to support the campaign."

Tad Devine Totally Defended John Kerry's Iraq War Vote NBC Archives

Bernie's top strategist Tad Devine had no problem with John Kerry's Iraq vote in the 2004 presidential campaign. Interviewed on 'Meet the Press' Aug 22, 2004, Devine told Tim Russert that Kerry does not regret his vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq. What he deeply regrets is what the president -- that Bush guy that Bernie never names -- did with that authority.

Pressed by the legendary Tim Russert, Devine doubled down, saying:

"Tim, again, the authorization was the right vote, it was the right choice. In fact, in 1998, John Kerry supported regime change in Iraq. And the fact of the matter is that this president said he would go to the United Nations, exhaust every remedy, build a broad international coalition. He failed to do so and the result of that president's failures is what's going on today in Iraq. It is a huge problem being paid for by American taxpayers and American troops."

Hmmmm. Yet the same vote by HIllary Clinton disqualifies her to be president from the same Tad Devine. Is that sexism? Or just different strokes for different folks -- especially if you're a Clinton. Of course Tad Devine is even more successful now, and his business is to do Bernie's bidding.

Hillary Clinton Headlines April 10, 2016

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