LA Times Calls Trump Presidency A 'Catastrophe' | Trump Foundation Exists For Trump

Tale of Two Cities: Trump's helps Trumps While the Clintons' Is the Real Deal The Daily Beast

Since 2001, Trump has given $3.8 million to charities, the very limited public record on his giving shows. That includes a recent $1 million gift to a veterans’ charity as part of his campaign to win votes -- and it's not clear that it was actually Trump's money.

Johnson says that Trump claims that over his lifetime, he's given $102 million to charities, but without tax returns he can make up any number he wishes. Work to validate these claims by contacting America's top charities and asking them to document a Trump donation have come up generally empty-handed. And we know that Trump has made almost no contributions to his own Trump Foundation since 2008.

Before commenting on the Clintons' charitable giving, I want to remind people that no only have they made public almost 40 years of tax returns, but they paid income taxes at the highest rates at a federal, state and local level. With all the false claims against the Clintons, they proudly pay their fair share of taxes and no entity has accused them of not doing so. The tax returns don't lie. ~ Anne

Since 2001 the Clintons have given $23.2 million to charity, their income tax returns reveal. The Clintons have released 39 consecutive years of tax returns.
Like Trump, the Clintons give primarily to a foundation bearing the family name, the Clinton Family Foundation.
Trump claims he is worth more than $10 billion. That means his verified gifts since 2001 come to less than four one-hundredths of 1 percent of his claimed wealth. Even if we accept his claim of $102 million—and count it as all being donated since 2001—his total giving would be just 1 percent of his claimed net worth.
The Clintons are worth no more than $62 million, their financial disclosure forms show. Their charitable donations since 2001 come to at least 37.6 percent of their maximum net worth."

Hillary Clinton would make a sober, smart and pragmatic president. Donald Trump would be a catastrophe. Los Angeles Times

She stands for rational, comprehensive immigration reform and an improvement rather than an abandonment of the Affordable Care Act. She supports abortion rights, wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour, hopes to reform the sentencing laws that have overcrowded American prisons, would repair the Voting Rights Act and help students to leave college without enormous debt. Abroad she would strengthen America’s traditional alliances, continue the Obama administration’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately defeat” Islamic State and negotiate with potential adversaries such as Russia and China in a way that balances realism and the protection of American interests. Unlike Trump, Clinton accepts the prevailing science on climate change and considers the issue to be “the defining challenge of our time.” 
Perhaps her greatest strength is her pragmatism — her ability to build consensus and solve problems. As president, she would be flexible enough and experienced enough to cut across party lines and work productively with her political opponents. As first lady, she worked with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides healthcare coverage to more than 8 million children. As a senator, she was instrumental in persuading a Republican president to deliver billions of dollars in aid to New York after September 11. As secretary of State, she led the charge to persuade nations around the world to impose the tough sanctions on Iran that led to the landmark nuclear agreement, and she negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Hillary Clinton Headlines September 23, 2016

Clinton, hoping to reach millennials, submits to mockery on 'Between Two Ferns' Politico

Is Hillary's Wonkiness Wasted on a Polarized America? New York Magazine

Clinton has lead but is vulnerable on trust, connection with voters McClatchy DC

Wall Street Is Starting to Get Freaked Out About Donald Trump New York Magazine

The GOP's Jewish Donors Are Abandoning Trump FiveThirtyEight

Poll: Clinton has big lead over Trump among Hispanic voters Politico

Clinton's real millennial problem: young Americans are less loyal to Democrats VOX

'The West Wing' Cast to Stump in Ohio for Hillary Clinton Rolling Stone

Democratic liberals, moderates feud over public option Politico

Donald Trump, Sex Pistol The Atlantic

Anthony Weiner Reportedly Had an Online Relationship With a 15-Year-Old, and It Got Gross New York Magazine

Did Donald Trump Misrepresent Debt To Bank of China, Goldman Sachs, & More Establishment Lenders?

Trump promised personal gifts on 'Celebrity Apprentice.' Here's who really paid. Washington Post

 Donald Trump has a habit of taking credit for everything and promising to support contestants' charities out of his own wallet . . . out of his own account.

Another WaPo investigation into Trump's broken philanthropy promises uncover the truth that on occasions, the check came from a TV production company that paid out the show's official prizes. This makes it a business expense certainly shared by NBC.

In other cases, the check came from Trump's foundation, one that had assets of $4,238 at the beginning of 2007 and was never again funded substantially by Trump. In 2007-2008, Trump gave $65,000 to his own foundation, or about 1% of its incoming money.

'Celebrity Apprentice' charity gifts to well-known contestants had nothing to do with Trump's tight-wad wallet. But distorting reality is a key plank in Trump's egocentric universe.

In allocating other people's money to these charities in front of a national TV audience, the message was always the same: "Remember, Donald Trump is a very nice person, okay?"

Introducing The Trump News Channel - Coming in 2017? The Atlantic

Consider that on Tuesday, November 8. Donald Trump and his associates --  in particular Breitbart News hire Stephen Bannon -- are defeated for the presidency, BUT from the ashes of the campaign rises a new right-wing media channel with the goal of dividing the Republican base and conquering FOX News.

Trump's Empire: a Maze of Debts and Hidden Ties New York Times

Donald Trump reminds us daily that he is a mega-rich bsinessman worth billions of dollars and is beholden to no one. Unlike 'crooked' Hillary Clinton, who Trump alleges regularly sells her soul to the highest bidder, Trump is his own man, a businessperson so successful and mega rich that he will even tell China to take a hike. The reality that both the Bank of China and Goldman Sachs hold Trump debt far greater than the details listed in the public filings the Republican nominee has made in relation to his presidential run is of no important consequence. Everyone else is 'crooked', 'lying' and part of the corrupt system Trump rails against daily. 

If you believe that Trump isn't sinking in the mud of this same, allegedly-corrupt system, then we have a bridge in Manhattan to sell you. 

Read Hillary Clinton's Essay On Why Our Generation Is What's RIGHT With America Teen Vogue

Hillary Clinton's lowkey approach to outreach and leadership represents a singularly smart media effort. While Donald Trump continues his egocentric and slash-and-burn tour across America, Clinton uses micro-targeting and small group appearances to carry a smart message to voters, encouraging their participation by appealing to their intelligence, creativity and concerns." Smart people -- especially smart young people -- know the difference. This is another reason Hillary will make an excellent president.

Wired Magazine Endorses Hillary Clinton Wired

Wired Magazine has endorsed a candidate for president for the first time in its history. In an election cycle that has been fraught with negativity and shouting matches about billionaires and bad trade deals, we've heard very little talk about the future and why Hillary Clinton is a candidate of optimism. The tech world is not known for its support of women executives or how we think differently from men. But Wired writes one heck of an endorsement for our beloved candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Donald Trump Faces Backlash After Attempt To Won Over Black Voters Fortune

On Friday night, speaking from a Detroit suburb with 1% African Americans, Donald Trump made a grand pronouncement: “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good. You have no jobs—58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”

Soon after his speech, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton responded with a tweet, saying, “This is so ignorant it’s staggering.”

Hillary Clinton Headlines August 20, 2016

Donald Trump Tells African-Americans They are Desperate Enough to Vote for Him New York Magazine

Paul Manafort Quits Donald Trump's Campaign After Tumultuous Run Politico

Trump and Clinton wreck Facebook friendships Politico

Behind the Polls: The Message in a Longtime Conservative Tilting Away From Trump, Toward Clinton WSJ

Democrats fret over timing of Clintons' charity fete Politico

Why Clinton is trouncing Trump in Michigan Politico

The Man Behind Trump's Bid to Finally Take Digital Seriously Wired

Judge won't order deposition of Clinton in email suit Politico

Former Romney finance chairman endorses Clinton Politico