Clinton Seeks Rock Star Dem Convention AS Black Lawmakers Say 'No Way' To Ending Superdelegates

HIllary Clinton's lead in the polls may be larger than it seems. Here's Why. Washington Post

We know that one of the reasons the polls were wrong in the 2012 presidential campaign involved underestimating the voting power of minorities.

We know that the infamous Monmouth poll from 6 wks ago showing Trump tied or leading HIllary in swing states made assumptions about the % of Latino and African American voters voting in the 2016 presidential and significant assumptions around the DECLINE of so-called minority voters this year. There was the opposite trend in the primary voting data and new voter registration. To be fair, voter suppression laws are in effect since 2012. Monmouth estimated a combined reasons effective decrease of 4%, with a significant impact on results. Also, Bernie continued to draw white voters against Trump in greater #s than Clinton. 

 "Now, in 2016, it looks like many pollsters didn’t learn much from 2012.

Several polls suffer from flaws in how they sample Latinos. While large bilingual polls of Latino voters from outlets such as Latino Decisions and Univision/Washington Post have reported very little support for Donald Trump, other national polls that interview Latinos only in English show that 29 percent to 37 percent of Latinos will support Trump — better even than Romney fared. These polls also show Trump doing as well or better among Asian-Americans, compared to Romney. Some polls even estimate that 20 percent to 25 percent of blacks support Trump."

About Those Superdelegates, Bernie

Sanders collides with black lawmakers Politico

We suppose that if Bernie had good relations with black lawmakers, he would known that he's on a collision course with the Congressional Black Caucus with his proposals to 1) end superdelegates and 2) open Democratic primaries up to independents and Republicans

This isn't the first letter sent by the CBC to the Sanders campaign. A couple months ago the Caucus sent a letter demanding that Sanders stop describing Hillary's wins in the Southern states as not representative of the Democratic party and representing conservatives instead. I think Bernie was even complaining about Virginia -- although he did spare Massachusetts.

Simply stated, the CBC sent a defiant message to Bernie saying in spirit "Don't even think about it. It will never happen. Over our dead bodies." Philadelphia just got a whole lot more interesting and Senator Sanders is in the hot seat in a way that may surprise him. 

 Of course, if Bernie didn't spend his whole life lecturing us and reached out to members of the 'establishment' (that would be 98% of the members of Congress) and their colleagues, he would know that the CBC views his proposals as totally rascist, sexist and anti-LGBT community. Who have I forgotten? Sorry, just leave a comment.

No offence intended to the terrific men who are Hillary supporters. You understand what I'm sayin'. When you want to turn the Democratic party over to Republicans, you scare the crap out of every Democrat except white men who probably welcome the opportunity to get us all marching to their orders again. Bernie's strategy to recruit Republicans has scared the wits our of us since the day we heard about it a year ago in Rolling Stone ~ Anne

Grandma & Grandpa Clinton

Chelsea Clinton left New York's Lennox Hospital with husband Marc Mezvinsky and new baby boy Aidan on Monday afternoon. In tow were proud grandparents Hillary and Bill Clinton, who are "over the moon" with the birth of their second grandchild.

Clinton Seeks Rock-Star Convention Lineup Politico

The apparently broke Donald Trump campaign is promising true spectacle at the upcoming Republican Convention.His counterpart Hillary Clinton has a few tricks up her own sleeve, including reaching out to the Tony-Award-winning writer and star of the hit musical 'Hamilton' Lin-Manuel Miranda about appearing at the convention.

It's far from a done deal for Miranda, who will leave Broadway's 'Hamilton' on July 9 and is scheduled to be in London filming a Disney remake of 'Marry Poppins' the week of the convention.

Democratic convention entertainment will put extra focus on young voters, African-Americans and Latinos.

For the Democrats to follow Republicans is generally considered to be an advantage, writes Politico. But with Trump being Trump, it's already possible that he will dominate the stage every night in Cleveland.

'"He's a political Kardashian,” said Democratic strategist Tommy Vietor, a former aide to Obama. “His campaign has been the longest, grossest sex tape ever released.”
Some Democrats involved with the campaign worry that without big, out-of-the-box “moments,” Trump coverage — even if it’s negative — will seep into Clinton’s big week. And while Clinton seems to have found her footing attacking an opponent whose bare-bones campaign appears to be in free fall, her campaign still needs to put out a clear and positive message about the Democratic nominee. Entertaining acts can accentuate that, said Clinton allies."

Hillary Clinton Headlines June 21, 2016

Poll: (Monmouth) Hillary Clinton leads Donald trump (49%-41% among likely voters CNN

Swing-state polls: Trump slipping in Florida, Ohio Politico

Sanders' anti-superdelegate push gains steam in Senate Politico

Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Wall Street WSJ

Inside the Clinton Plan to Win Over Millennials Politico

Bernie Sanders Die-Hards Gather and Try to Look Past November New York Times

Hillary Clinton Declared Presumptive Democratic Nominee One Night Early!

Hillary Clinton Has Clinched Democratic Nomination, Survey Reports New York Times

Hillary Clinton became the first woman to capture the presidential nomination of one of the country’s major political parties on Monday night, according to an Associated Press survey of Democratic superdelegates, securing enough of them to overcome a bruising challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders and turn to a brutal five-month campaign against Donald J. Trump.
Almost eight years after she ended her campaign against Barack Obama before a crowd of teary women and girls, Mrs. Clinton signaled the news to a jubilant crowd at a campaign stop in Long Beach, Calif.
“I got to tell you, according to the news, we are on the brink of a historic, historic, unprecedented moment, but we still have work to do, don’t we?” she said. “We have six elections tomorrow, and we’re going to fight hard for every single vote, especially right here in California.”

13 superdelegates added their support to voters in Puerto Rico who gave Hillary Clinton a major win yesterday.

Susan Collins Says She's Not Yet Ready to Back Donald Trump TIME

Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins talked to TIME about her reluctance to endorse Trump and her longtime friendship with likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton -- who knew! Collins doesn't rule out a cabinet position in either -- however unlikely she thinks those prospects may be.

Given Hillary's co-hosting of Susan Collins' bridal shower in 2012, it might be more likely that Collins would lean in with her. Collins says 'no' to voting for Hillary, however much she is concerned about Trump. If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats are Voting for Her FiveThirtyEight

Nate Silver does his usual walk through of the key reasons why Hillary is WINNING the Democratic nomination and is now officially the Democratic presumptive nominee.

Besides distorting the truth about when the superdelegates offerred support -- saying that 400 were committed to Hillary when he launched his campaign -- the Sanders campaign is promoting another untruth that campaign manager Weaver said yesterday. The Sanders surrogates -- and not the media -- say he has been winning the popular vote for several months now.

Now he SURE didn't win it in Washington state, where the real popular vote result totally upset the caucus results. That Hillary sweep didn't count. Nate Silver says no deal on the Sanders campaign claim:

 "Nor, after a strong run of contests for Sanders in late March and early April, is there much sign of forward momentum for Sanders. Over the past seven weeks, from the New York primary on April 19 through Puerto Rico on Sunday, Clinton has won 505 pledged delegates as compared with 428 for Sanders. Her current lead in our national polling average, 14.4 percentage points, is the widest it has been since mid-February."