Clinton Campaign Sends Open Letter To Bernie Sanders With 4 Questions About Stolen DNC Data

Anne's Saturday evening Facebook post: 

Open Letter From Clinton Campaign to Sanders Campaign

In advance of tonight's Democratic debate, the Hillary Clinton campaign has asked Bernie Sanders four questions. I've attached the data logs for two of the questions because there seem to be quite a few folks saying this problem is all a giant, invented conspiracy against the Sanders campaign. The boys only walked into the Clinton digital house, looked around but left empty-handed. I actually read comments that the Clinton campaign planted the tech guys in the Sanders campaign to pull off this caper, when the data company opened up the digital garage door. It makes perfect sense to me.

Records indicate that much mischief was going on by the Sanders team, but these logs are probably all fabricated. This is my new approach to presenting facts. It is equally probable, argue some, that these logs are one grand lie created by the media and the Democratic establishment.

The data downloads didn't happen, just like some folks say Sandy Hook never happened, the kids really weren't shot. And I was only dreaming that airliners flew into the World Trade Center. I really didn't see it happen, standing there along the Hudson River.

Too many martinis the night before and I bought the government ruse hook,, line and sinker. Same story with these data logs. The media went for them, and we all know that they are borderline alcoholics and owned by the billionaires.

Okay, now all my FB friends are covered with a neutral overview of this Clinton letter to Sanders!! Yeah, Anne. Ms Diplomat! You did it girl. So far, so good. It will get easier, I promise.