Two-Thirds Of Americans Believe Women's Stories Of Trump Affairs

Sixty-three percent of people surveyed in a new CNN poll believe the women alleging affairs over Trump's quiet denials that they happened at all. In an interest Twist, Trump's overall approval rating rose significantly, even as people said they believe his women accusers and also that Trump's Cabinet and team of top advisers are "generally less qualified and less in touch than previous presidential appointees."

There are expected party and gender divides on both questions. Women are more inclined than men to say they believe the women claiming affairs (70% to 54%). Even among Republicans or leaning toward the Republican party, 45% of women say they believe the women compared with just 25% of GOP and GOP-leaning men. As expected, Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to say the women should be freed from their NDAs. 78% among Democrats, 49% among independents and 25% among Republicans agree. These answers also break down on gender lines, with 59% saying the women should be free to discuss what happened with trump vs 34% saying the agreements should remain in place. Men disagree with 48% saying the agreements should remain in place and 43% saying the women should be free to discuss their relationships with Trump.

Related: 9 Takeaways from Karen McDougal's Interview CNN