Clinton Flies Into 737 Blue Skies 'Stronger Together' But With A Dour Press Onboard

Clinton Speaks Briefly with Press on Her New Plane Politico

Hillary kept her sense of humor this morning, as the press joined on on the maiden flight of her new campaign plane. Clinton greeted the 40 or so journalists traveling with her on the Boeing 737 emblazoned with the campaign's 'H' logo and campaign message 'Stronger Together' covering a large space of the aircraft.

The press corps -- having bitterly complained about her lack of press conferences -- didn't know how to respond when Hillary walked to the back of the plane to welcome them.

"I'm thrilled," our candidate said. "No really!f I wanted to welcome you onto the plane. I think it's pretty cool, don't you?"

Not knowing how to casually respond to Clinton, the plane was quiet. "You're supposed to say yes," Hillary smiled.

Hillary Clinton Gets Gored by Paul Krugman New York Times

With Hillary Clinton packing up her new jet plane today -- with press and herself together -- she and her aides should use the opportunity to educate and inquire of the press how they determine stories. The double standard in press coverage is becoming downright alarming. 

Increasingly,  it’s hard to escape the impression that Donald Trump is  being graded on a curve. As Krugman points out, if the Republican blowhard manages to read from a TelePrompter without going off script, the press pronounces that Trump is being presidential. If he flips twice in one day, suddenly suggesting that he wouldn’t send a police force to round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants right away -- deciding to focus on the first 3 million - he’s now moving into the mainstream, even though new polls say over 70% of Americans believe in immigration reform and a legal path for the undocumented to come out of the shadows. The press cares little about what appear to be clear payoffs to state attorneys general to back off investigating Trump University. 

Simultaneously, the press assumes that anything Hillary Clinton does must be corrupt, most spectacularly illustrated by the increasingly bizarre coverage of the Clinton Foundation, as AOC has noted.

"Step back for a moment, and think about what that foundation is about", writes Krugman. "When Bill Clinton left office, he was a popular, globally respected figure. What should he have done with that reputation? Raising large sums for a charity that saves the lives of poor children sounds like a pretty reasonable, virtuous course of action. And the Clinton Foundation is, by all accounts, a big force for good in the world. For example, Charity Watch, an independent watchdog, gives it an “A” rating — better than the American Red Cross."'

The situation is so bad that yesterday moderator of NBC's 'Meet the Press' Chuck Todd let a Trump spokesman allege the thoroughly debunked assertion that the Clinton Foundation only donates about 20% of its contributions to charity. The truth about anything Clinton has no place in a media that generally has disliked Hillary Clinton for decades. It's just her reality, and we the voters hear more lies than truth about Hillary Clinton from mainstream media. 

Same Day | Two Realities

On Labor Day, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton begin Final Sprint New York Times

Some days, a picture is worth a thousand words. I give you the Hillary Clinton plane and Donald Trump's. Now Hillary is back with the press and Trump is speaking to a couple media embeds. Still, Trump is white boys club all the way in this shot Hillary is of the people. Huma was on board in the front, along with other members of the Clinton team -- judged the most diverse and balanced by skin color, gender and sexual identity than any campaign team in history. And they know her for years -- decades in some cases. Hillary doesn't have to shop for people to fill any quotas. She has staffed her organizations this way for decades.

Trump Says He Would Have Left G-20 Summit in China Over Obama Staircase Flap Washington Post

 If you've traveled the world on business for decades with legendary business relations with people in other countries, this Trump comment reminds me of why the man would be an international embarrassment truly capable of launching WWIII. PS: I was considered to be very tough, too. But not stupid and not an ugly American who thinks he is the center of the universe -- the king. ~ Anne

Young Blacks Voice Skepticism on Hillary Clinton, Worrying Democrats New York Times

This is indeed a potentially very serious situation, one exacerbated by the ferocious Democratic primary campaign. I'm struggling that young African Americans really think there is no major difference between Hillary Clinton and Trump. There is absolutely NO comparison about the future of people of color in a Republican Supreme Court. The Black community really needs to have some serious dialogue between older and younger. This is a conversation that needs to happen outside of HWN. We are not qualified -- not having the direct life experience, although Anne did represent inmate interests at Attica prison in a post-riot world -- to attempt the dialogue on this topic. But young African Americans are being very short-sighted in equating Trump and Clinton. 

Hillary Clinton Headlines September 5, 2016

Trump Denies He Talked With Florida Attorney General About Donation Washington Post

African Americans worry Trump has awoken a resentment that won't go away Washington Post

The Cowardice of Donald Trump The Atlantic

14 excerpts from the FBI's report on Hillary Clinton Mother Jones