Wikileaks Emails Jolt DNC As Democratic Convention Begins

Holy Crap, Tim Kaine Killed It by Michael Tomasky The Daily Beast

Holy crap. He killed it.
I’m not trying to spin you. I’m sitting here in shock. Shock. Tim Kaine was unbelievable.
He was natural. He was smart. He was relaxed and funny, and he was serious. He was proud of himself and his wife and family but never arrogant. He was humble without ever being cloying in that way the politically humble can often be. He was genuine. He was unbelievable.
And part of the way through, this thought struck me: He is the perfect choice for her because he comes across as so at ease and so real. These are two things, as we know, that Hillary Clinton has a lot of trouble with. She’s too scripted, she’s a phony, all that stuff. Kaine was just so easy-breezy, so comfortable with himself and in this role, that he has the potential to wash away a decent chunk of that negativity about her.

Wikileaks Dumps Democratic National Committee E-Mails

We're a little dumbfounded over all the alleged DSW transgressions in these leaked emails. These are people who have little to do in our complex world -- except to rant. The only thread we can see -- and also after popping into several Sanders FB pages last night -- is that Berners are outraged that there was any strategic conversation going on at the DNC about 1) how to handle the press as Hillary clearly won the nomination and Bernie should drop out at some point and 2) how to develop a strategy around key Bernie questions if he did somehow win.

Example, what is Bernie's view on faith and God, an email that seems to have garnered terrible ire. That is NOT a question of bad faith in a political campaign that smears people right and left.

Nor are questions about his past embrace of Lenin and ultra-left wing politics, but it seems any of these concerns are giant transgressions among those screaming about these stolen emails.

Some of the Berners appear as irrational and unprepared for real life as Donald trump. Real life is a grand offense to their view of the world, and we're not getting sidetracked by email dumps days before the convention and especially if these 'horrors' are the best they've got.

Grow up people. Donald Trump is a maniac who threatens to destroy all we hold dear in America, flawed as it is. Your enemy is not Hillary Clinton and shame on you that she is your enemy and not Donald Trump.

Oh . . . and 26,000 women and children fled South Sudan last week to escape the violence in their country. Uganda is reeling under the weight of trying to process and care for the refugees. Take all this energy of yours and focus it on fixing something important in the world.

You run the risk of not being taken at all seriously at this point. Clintonites are doers and not habitual conspiracy theorists. This is nonsense. ~ Anne

DNC email leaks, explained VOX

Former Sanders Spokeswoman Says Election Wasn't 'Stolen' US News

After leaving the Bernie Sanders campaign at the end of June, national press spokeswoman Symone Sanders has been working at the Democratic Convention Committee. It would not surprise us that she ends up with Hillary. Sanders has increasingly improved her diplomacy skills over the months, and she is very articulate. ~ Anne

"As the Wells Fargo Arena erupted in chants of “Bernie! Bernie!” and delegates booed when speakers mentioned the name of presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, the former national press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders took to Twitter to dispute the idea that the 2016 election was "stolen."
“Look, people are well within their rights to have passions and opinions. That is how we create change in this country. We need the passion!!” Symone Sanders tweeted. But, while Democratic National Committee emails published by Wikileaks showed a lack of support for Sanders, she also tweeted that “7 folks on an email didn’t ‘steal’ the election.”
“The reality is the system didn’t cheat us,” she tweeted."