Bernie Bros Curse & Threaten Children & Women At Hillary Clinton Events

Courage: Iconic Image of Female Hillary Supporter Running Gauntlet of (Mostly) Male Protesters Blue Nation Review

No, this is not a woman trying to get into a Planned Parenthood clinic. It's woman trying to hear Hillary speak in Calif.The Bernie Bros have been out in full force, trying to stop women and children -- and yes, men, too -- from hearing the Democratic frontrunner speak on the issues.

I believe that Bernie would sell out women's reproductive rights in a heartbeat for a trade deal. So if Bernie Sanders really thinks that the majority of America's Democratic women endorse this kind of harassment, he needs to think again. With each day that goes by I loathe more Sanders and his posse.

For all his talk about the Nordic countries, I assure you that this kind of behavior against women and children would not go down in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Nor Iceland, Denmark of Germany. The patriarchy flourishes in American politics and Bernie Sanders is leading it, just like Donald Trump.

We MUST elect Hillary president and bring some sanity to Washington, because with President Obama leaving both Trump and Sanders will ignite a tempest that will get totally out of hand. And women and children will get the short end of Bernie's stick, just as we will Trump's. Call me nauseated at this point. And afraid -- not for myself, because I am so strong and fearless -- but for those who don't have my moxie. ~ Anne

Sanders: Dem Convention Tilted Towards Clinton CNN

Forgive us while we get the box of kleenex. Bernie Sanders is accusing the Democratic National Committee of tilting the party's convention in favor of Hillary Clinton. It floors us that Bernie Sanders thinks that -- bar a catastrophe -- Hillary Clinton is winning this race by a YUUGE margin, compared to 2008. Bernie Sanders seems to really struggle with the idea that when one loses, the winner is generally favored in every aspect.

We are really exhausted with Bernie's constant whining and lack of grip on reality. His adoring millennials are not giving him a mandate to arrive in Philadelphia as Hillary Clinton's equal. And a minimum of 3/4 of them are on the record in very in very large surveys 5,000 and 12,000 -- that while Bernie is their first choice, they are positive and enthused to vote for Hillary.

No one is disputing what Bernie has accomplished, but his constant accusations and whining are really grating. He sounds like Donald Trump and with an equal ego. When you come into a system that you are trying to demolish, constantly criticizing and you are the loser -- well honey usually gets more favors than vinegar. Try it Bernie. As president you need a few diplomatic skills. ~ Anne

Hillary Clinton Meets with Animal Advocates, Adds Animal Welfare Issues to Website

For the first time in history, a United States presidential candidate of a major party has included animal welfare and protection on their official website. Hillary Clinton launched “Protecting animals and wildlife” in the “Issues” section of her official website yesterday. As stated on her website: “Hillary is committed to promoting animal welfare and protecting animals from cruelty and abuse.”

Clinton and her team has spoken with animal rights advocates such as Russell Simmons; Congressman Earl Blumenauer; Simone Reyes, Director of Television Development at Def Pictures; Judie Mancuso, president of animal welfare organization Social Compassion in Legislation; and experts at the Humane Society and other groups through the course of the campaign.

HIllary Clinton Headlines May 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Declared Winner of Guam Democratic Caucuses ABC News

Clinton slams Trump's immigration plans, nudges Sanders to exit race in LA stops LA Times

Sanders' Plan to Win Over Clinton Superdelegates More Rhetoric Than Action Bloomberg Politics

Watch: The Daily Show tries to reason with overzealous Bernie Sanders supporters VOX

Clinton ex-employee tells FBI no sign email server was hacked  Reuters

Hillary Clinton doesn't need to choose between a reassuring campaign and progressive policies VOX

Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down VOX

Poll: Clinton leads Sanders nearly 2-1 in New Jersey The Hill