Hillary Hater Blogger H.A. Goodman Gets Blistering Politico Takedown

The Fall of Salon.com & HA Goodman Politico

Nothing gives us more pleasure than reading about the fall of Salon.com. Thank goodness Joan Walsh got away from that site.

If there is one BernieBro blogger who has really gotten under my skin, it's H.A. Goodman. Bloggers are writing from their own pov, but it's been a long time since I saw an individual purport to be a serious writer, and dispense with the facts or contradictory research info more than H.A. Goodman. Unfortunately, he's also over at HuffPo -- and the Jerusalem Post. I fully expect him to go work for Trump after Bernie loses the Democratic nomination. After that, Breitbart.

Because the Hillary haters just inhale his despicable writing about Hillary, his articles often showed up in first place in Google News. Yes -- Google News is driven primarily by page views, not truth or quality of writing.

H.A. Goodman is taking it on the chin in this Politico article. And I'm really happy about his downfall. ~ Anne

"The site’s early bias in favor of Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign showed the site’s willingness to strike out against neoliberalism in favor of progressive causes. But in the end Salon always circled the wagons.
In recent months Salon has refused to do that. It has developed a reputation for being not just sympathetic to Bernie Sanders, but overtly hostile to Hillary Clinton, unable to distinguish her from Donald Trump in the same way Ralph Nader saw no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000. Salon contributor H.A. Goodman has written several columns for the publication with titles like “I wouldn’t vote for Dick Cheney, so I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton: An unrepentant only-Sanders voter fires back at critics” and “Please, FBI — you’re our last hope: The Democratic Party’s future rests upon your probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails.” (The columns spurred a debate in Salon’s newsroom after a staffer sent an email to colleagues saying Goodman’s articles reflected badly on the company.)
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Actually, Salon isn’t uniformly pro-Sanders. Editor in chief David Daley told POLITICO that he aims to cover all of the intellectual arguments surrounding the Democratic Party, and that Goodman’s viewpoint is one of “a wide range of voices assessing the Clinton and Sanders campaigns” on Salon. Late last year, the site faced allegations of bias against Sanders when Daley hired feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who got to work writing negative stories about “Bernie Bros.”
The more stinging critique is about the quality of what Salon publishes – and Goodman’s pieces in particular have reignited lamentations about the site’s downward spiral. Walsh and Miller have been outspoken on Twitter about some of the stories from the site, as have many others. Two guys even created a vicious parody account, @salondotcom, to mock Salon’s increasingly strident brand of leftism, with fake tweets like “Ten signs your cat might be racist” and “Should GMOs come with trigger warnings?” '

Hillary Clinton Supporters Aren't Just Voting for Her 'Because She's A Woman' Vogue

We're still fighting against this worn trope from those on the right and, increasingly, those on the left. Why the left? Several theories, but I subscribe to the one with the most experience behind it from nearly every leftist perspective: women are often still viewed as caricatures that can't possibly understand the complexities of politics! ~ Laura at HillaryWomen News FB

Not only is it baseless, but suggesting that women are only supporting Hillary because they view her as a sworn member of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood is also an insult to women voters, their values, and their credibility. It’s rich for men in particular to blast women as shallow voters who support Hillary based on gender alone, when data shows that women are more dutiful voters than men. They prove it at the polls: In every presidential election since 1980, the proportion of eligible women who showed up to vote has exceeded the proportion of men. In the 2008 presidential election, nearly 10 million more women than men voted. This, with nary a major female contender on the final ballot. At 53 percent of the electorate in 2012, women have the power to decide elections. But they’re not going to decide this one or any other out of blind loyalty, or sheer feminism alone (though it may be a perk).

Clinton Beats Trump with Middle-Income Rust Belt Voters Bloomberg

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 7% among middle-income voters in the Rust Belt. Likely voters with annual family incomes of $30,000 to $75,000 in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- the core of his base -- prefer Clinton.

By an even larger margin -- 42% of voters for Clinton vs 34% for Trump, voters believe Hillary will win the election. 18% are not sure, and 45% said they would consider a third-party candidate.

Asked to describe their state of mind about the candidates, 31% said they were 'Afraid'. The next answer was 'Disallusioned' at 19%.

Voters were asked to answer if certain concerns about Trump bothered them. The women's issue was the top answer at 60%:

Concern: Trump has called women names like “pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs,” and “disgusting.” He’s called Fox News’ Megyn Kelley a “bimbo” and a “lightweight,” insulted Carly Forina’s and Heidi Cruz’s appearance, and has made lewd comments

The top concern for Hillary was 51% saying that she lied about the cause of the Benghazi attacks, after failing to protect the US Ambassador and other embassy workers. Onlt 42% cared about the emails and 27% cared about how she handled her husband's infidelity. 49% said her decisions as Secy of State helped ISIS to form and grow out of control. Only 30% said they saw her as part of the Washington establishment.

Hillary Clinton Headlines May 30, 2016

Clinton's ace in the hole: Obama The Hill

Dreamers face nightmare of Trump's deportation force Politico

Sanders Says Nomination Not Rigged, but Superdelegates Should Swing It NY Magazine