Hillary Clinton & Elizabeth Warren Tag Team Trump On His Celebrating 2007 Financial Crisis

Hillary Clinton has a new weapon against Trump: Elizabeth Warren The Washington Post

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton seemed to have joined forces with Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday. Warren (D-Mass) spoke at the Center for Popular Democracy's annual Washington gala, where she was honored. The main theme of her speech coordinated perfectly with Hillary Clinton's stump speech in California.

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown — because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” Warren said. “What kind of a man does that? Root for people to get thrown out on the street? Root for people to lose their jobs? Root for people to lose their pensions?”

Hillary Clinton Wins Strong Popular Vote Primary in Washington

Trump, Clinton win Washington state primary The Seattle Times

Our candidate Hillary Clinton handily beat Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in a symbolic-only victory last night. The size of her win with 54 percent of the vote impressed. Sanders won the much smaller (about 30% of the size of yesterday's vote) Democratic caucus in March, which is where the convention delegates were allocated.

Minnesota is the first state to abandon the caucus system in favor of the significantly more Democratic state-wide primary system.

Bernie Sanders Does Better vs Trump? Wouldn't Be Prudent To Assume That New York Times

Bernie Sanders clearly has a strategy going with his voters. When polled in a Hillary-Trump matchup, go for Trump and make Hillary look weak. Then Bernie goes on the stump, shouting over and over that he polls better against Trump than Hillary.

Use these poll results to argue that the democratically elected, primary candidate Clinton can't beat Trump and you are soooo much stronger. Overturn the entire process in a coup whereby super delegates -- who you argue should be abolished -- put you in power.

Sounds like a banana republic coup to us. The boys club just took down Dilma Rousseff as president of Brazil. Regarding Bernie's polling, Nate Cohn advises:

"There are basically two reasons (Bernie polls better than Hillary against Trump).

One is that Bernie Sanders’s supporters are a big reason Clinton is doing worse in her polling against Trump. In the recent YouGov poll, Clinton had just a 40-point lead against Trump among Sanders voters, while Sanders had a 70-point lead. Trump was getting virtually the same share of the vote against both candidates — 40 percent against Clinton, 39 percent against Sanders. Presumably most Sanders supporters will ultimately get behind Clinton, and, on the flip side, Clinton supporters would have been much more negative on Sanders if he had posed a more serious threat to her victory.

The second thing is that Sanders just hasn’t faced any major attacks on his record. The Republicans have cheered him on against Clinton, whom they realize they’re inevitably going to face. Clinton never really attacked him, either — no big negative television ad buys, for example — in no small part because she didn’t want to alienate his supporters.

So Sanders is set to lose, but in a way that leaves him unscathed and therefore appearing very strong in the general. There was something similar with John Kasich. Maybe Sanders really would have survived all of the attacks from Clinton that would have come if he had been a bigger threat to win the nomination. But as it is, it’s just a question mark."

Samantha Bee Says BS to Bernie Supporters

Samantha Bee calls BS on Bernie Sanders' Democratic fraud and rigged allegations The Week

The Nevada Democratic delegate selection rules are arcane and stupid, Bee said, but Clinton won the most democratic part, the caucus; Sanders won the county conventions; and then came the state convention, and "that's when Lady Luck said 'I'm with her.'" Bee said that "if there were actual misconduct by party officials, I'd be furious, too. But ask yourself, what makes more sense? That party chair Lange changed the rules to disqualify Sanders delegates, 50 of whom Hillary Clinton had drugged and tied up in a basement with the skeleton of Vince Foster, or that first-time delegates backing a guy who became a Democrat just before breakfast couldn't get their shit together?" You can guess Bee's answer.

Bernie Loses His Halo Politico

Bernie thinks he's holding all the cards. But high-profile progressives like Netroots titan Markos Moulitsas, namesake of the liberal Daily Kos, spared no words in criticizing Sanders.

“The problem isn't Bernie Sanders' supporters,” Moulitsas wrote. “It's Bernie Sanders himself … [He] refuses to forcefully and unambiguously reject that violence, instead rationalizing and explaining it away with a mix of grievances and outright conspiracy theory.”

"Actually, Sanders hasn’t lost much support among his most avid supporters—who do not include Moulitsas, a sometime critic. What we are seeing, however, is that it’s no longer taboo in liberal circles to attack Sanders as he drags out the nomination process at a time when many are itching to turn their fire on Donald Trump. And if his reputation in the party is being damaged outside his base, that will make it harder for him to extract concessions from Clinton regarding the platform and party nomination rules at the convention. "

Trump Camp Denies Ally's Claim That He Gave Money To Bill Clinton Accuser TPM

Media Matters For America on Monday flagged a February interview in whichTrump ally Roger Stone said that the Republican nominee had given money to Kathleen Willey. The former White House volunteer, accused Clinton of groping her in 1993; Clinton denied that allegation in a 1998 deposition.

"Trump is himself a contributor — I’m not ready to disclose what he has given. And many, many other people," Stone said in the interview with conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones. A campaign was running on a website raising money toward paying offWilley's mortgage.

Willey currently is a paid spokeswoman for an anti-Hillary Clinton political action committee created by Stone called the Rape Accountability Project for Education PAC, or RAPE PAC, according to Reuters.

Media Matters surfaced the Stone interview after Trump used audio of Willey's accusations in a web video targeting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Headlines May 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders Makes a Campaign Mark. Now, Can He Make a Legacy? New York Times

Sanders seeks recanvass in Kentucky primary Politico

Conventional Wisdom: Sanders Refuses To Play Nice FiveThirtyEight

Hillary Clinton's Complicated Path to the Center WSJ

Sanders picks pro-Palestinian activist for Democratic platform committee The Washington Post

Bernie's not-so-secret weapon Politico

Trump Fuels Democratic Voter Surge Politico

Sanders' Sole Senate Backer Says He's 'Absolutely' Against Convention Battle TPM

Can Sanders' money swamp Wasserman Politico