African American Women Prepare To Double Down For Hillary In Philadelphia

Black Women Rally Behind Hillary Clinton Wall Street Journal

WSJ reminds us that when the Berners march into Philadelphia thinking they will dictate the terms of debate -- they will meet a wall of African American women delegates that just might not see everything Bernie's way. Districts with large black populations have more Democratic votes and therefore more delegates.

Bernies' boys are used to calling the shots. but if I was a betting woman, I'd say they will more than meet their match in Philadelphia. We bowed down in gratitude to black women months ago, vowing to never forget the obligation we have to them for delivering our first woman president. In Philadelphia the Berners will meet a wall of community activists, local politicians and national black leaders female and male. We would like to be the fly on the wall when the Berners start to throw their weight around, cuz it won't be pretty. ~ Anne

"Black women have long played a big role in Mrs. Clinton’s life and career, and now their expanding roles in politics—as voters, officeholders and activists—have lifted the Clinton campaign in multiple ways.
Exit polls show turnout by black women in Democratic primaries is significantly higher than turnout by black men, in several cases more than double. And black women have overwhelmingly supported the former senator and secretary of state over rival Bernie Sanders, with 90% or more of them voting for her in some states. In New York, she took 79% of their votes on her way to an easy victory, the exit polls show."

Congo's Dr Denis Mukwege & Charlize Theron Honored As TIME 100 Most Influential People AOC Women's News

2016 US Democratic party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also reveres the work of Dr Denis Mukwege. Most people don't know that before Hillary left her role as Secretary of State, she founded -- with her inaugural US Ambassador for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer and Georgetown President John J. DeGioia -- the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security. The Institute is also home to the International Council on Women's Business Leadership, which is a part of the Women & Economy Project launched in October 2014. 

In 2014, GIWPS honored Dr Mukwege for his work at Panzi Hospital and on behalf of women living in the Congo. There is no doubt that Hillary was highly impacted listening to the stories of their sexual assaults that they shared with Hillary when she visited the women as Secretary of State. 

We share our archived past stories over the years on this critical, global topic of violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Bernie or Bust! Let's Get A Grip Here

As we speak, countless personhood bills are flooding state legislatures. We're not talking Citizens United here. These bills equate the legal rights of a week-old embryo with those of a living, breathing woman with three kids and a great husband.

Most likely there are a number of Bernie Bros who feel this way about women. But the vast majority of Bernie supporters male and female do not.

Please come out of your bubble and take a reality check on what you are willing to do to American women by not supporting Hillary and Democrats this fall. American women -- and especially poor women of every skin color -- have not been in such a precarious position in 50 years.

Thanks for thinking about your critical decision. The futures of American women are in your hands. ~ Anne

Why Hillary Clinton's Goal of a Half-Female Cabinet Really Matters Washington Post

Hillary Clinton's long history of major diversity on her staffs indicates that she'll have no trouble of meeting her stated goal of a half women cabinet. Rest assured that large numbers of Hillary's cabinet will also be people of color and with diverse sexualities.

When you've led your entire career on the premise that rainbow coalitions of smart people make better decisions as a collective, HIllary Clinton could probably assemble three cabinets that dazzle. WaPo explains that research on women in the executive suite consistently validates the premise that gender-mixed teams bring in better results.

Hillary Clinton Headlines April 28, 2016

Clinton's Delegate Lead Would Triple Under GOP Rules FiveThirtyEight

A Sanders Comeback Would Be Unprecedented FiveThirtyEight

Activists Have Declared War on Hedge Funds -- and They Might Be Winning NY Magazine

Trump Tries to Win Over Female Voters by Stressing How Easy Life Is for Women NY Magazine

Trump fails to impress foreign-policy experts Politico