69% of American Women Have Unfavorable View of Donald Trump. He's Unfazed!

Trump Tries to Win Over Female Voters by Stressing How Easy Life Is for Women New York Magazine

A recent NBC–Wall Street Journal poll puts Trump ahead of Hillary Clinton by 3 points among men, but a staggering 23 points behind her among women. That same poll showed 69 percent of women respondents expressing an unfavorable view of the Trump, indicating that a new message around women is in order in a pivot to the general election.

Maybe Trump’s new team of veteran campaign strategists conducted exhaustive research into the attitudes of undecided female voters and discovered that they all long for a candidate with the balls to argue, “Women have an easier time attaining positions of power in America than men do.” Maybe what these voters want to hear most is that any success they have in life is due, at least in part, to the unearned advantage of their anatomy. Maybe they all checked “strongly agree” next to the statement “It is cool and good for a male presidential candidate with no experience in government to suggest a female former secretary of State lacks the credentials to run for City Council.”

Then again, maybe Donald Trump's misogyny and fear of strong women he does not control is for real. Perhaps Trump is suffering from one massive castration complex and is about to play out in a presidential election the substance of male psychology book chapters that I've read for years.

Hillary Clinton Headlines April 26, 2016

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