Hillary Chooses Wisconsin Dinner To Remind Us That Bernie Sanders In Now A Democrat In Name Only

Hillary Clinton's campaign says Bernie Sanders 'rejected' debate dates MSNBC

The Clinton and Sanders campaigns can't agree on dates for a New York debate. Clinton’s campaign said in a statement that it proposed April 4 as the first possible date, but the Sanders team wanted the debate after the Wisconsin primary on April 5. Clinton officials then suggested April 14 or April 15 as debate dates and are hopeful Sanders will come to accept one of these dates.

“The Sanders campaign needs to stop with the games,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon wrote. “The Sanders campaign needs to stop using the New York primary as a playground for political games and negative attacks against Hillary Clinton. The voters of New York deserve better.”

The proposed debate on April 15 would be on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Fallon explained, but “that, too, was rejected.”

Update: ABC reports that Hillary has agreed to debate on Good Morning America Friday April 15 before the New York primary on April 19. The Sanders campaign has not yet responded.

Hillary Shines At Wisconsin Democratic Party Dinner

HIllary Clinton campaigns in Eau Claire, Wis. Saturday April 2, 2016 with Sen. Tammy Baldwin

Sanders leads polls but Clinton wins more crowd support at Wisconsin gala The Guardian

"The latest polls may give Sanders a comfortable lead over former secretary of state Hillary Clinton in the Badger State, but Saturday night’s gala – filled with union members and party stalwarts – was definitely Clinton territory, even just judging by the number of standing ovations and the amount of sustained applause for the candidates’ speeches. (The fact that the first speaker was local congresswoman Gwendolyn Moore, who has endorsed Clinton, and Minnesota senator Al Franken and Clinton-endorser batted clean-up, was perhaps another clue.)
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And though the audience stood and applauded the end of his speech, the “Bernie!” chants were limited to the general admission seats, where people continued to stand throughout his exit music – David Bowie’s Starman – to catch a glimpse of their favorite and share stickers with each other.
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“We believe that when a governor attacks nurses, police and firefighters, it doesn’t make him a leader, it makes him a bully,” she said.
Clinton’s promise to support down-ticket candidates in the state – “always have, always will” – earned cheers, but it was her statement that “I don’t think the president gets the credit his deserves” on Wall Street reform that got many in the crowd on their feet.
Interestingly, though, for a heavily union crowd, it wasn’t Clinton’s efforts to highlight her opposition to various trade deals that earned her the affection of the audience – though one lone Sanders supporter cheered when she noted that her opponent opposed every trade deal no matter what. It was her statement that good trade deals could help Wisconsin’s exports, which have gone up 50% in the last 10 years, according to date from the Department of Commerce. "

Huma Abedin: Hillary Clinton Has Been Vocal on Unpopular Issues MSNBC

"Huma Abedin, vice chair of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, has been low-key on the campaign trail thus far. But she broke her silence on Friday, saying that her boss of almost 20 years has been vocal on issues even if they’re not “the thing of the moment.”

“I think that if my boss quit tomorrow, she will go down as one of the greatest American women in the history of the world,” Abedin said in interview with the podcast Call Your Girlfriend. “We’re in the midst of campaigning in New York right now, and we’ve been looking through her record and the things that she did in the Senate and everyone she helped from 9/11 and beyond … I know she’s committed to making people’s lives better. I wish the world could see the Hillary Clinton that I see every day.”

Hillary Clinton News April 3, 2016

At rallies, Hillary Clinton's supporters are looking for logic, not passion Washington Post

Get Off My Lawn, Bernie Kids! Why I'm Voting for Hillary Clinton The Daily Beast

Democrats need to accept a hard truth about Bernie Sanders: He can get a lot more done as a senator than president -- and here's why Salon

Clinton stresses Democratic credentials in Wisconsin Salon

Sanders defends not releasing last 8 years of tax returns: 'My wife does them' and we've been a bit busy Raw Story

Bernie Sanders supporters hold massive protest outside CNN over lack of coverage Raw Story

A scrappy Sanders campaign narrows the Nevada delegate count six weeks after the caucuses Washington Post

Fiancee of Sean Bell, Killed in 2006 Police Shooting Endorses Hillary Clinton New York Times