Hillary Clinton Imagines Half Female Cabinet -- She's Got The Connections

The stakes for Sanders in the state of Clinton Capital New York

“What you do in political movements is you take what you can get, nail it down, and don’t give it up,” Tom Hayden, former California state senator and 1960s student activist who is supporting Clinton, told POLITICO New York. “But Bernie keeps pressing his demands.”

Hayden said it's time for Sanders to be thinking about his "legacy."

Sanders is reviving the role which William Jennings Bryan made famous in 1896, when he took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and delivered a stinging assault on the party’s moneyed interests. History remembers Bryan’s speech as an argument for the free coinage of silver, a phrase which sounds oddly like a reference to the business practices of a certain former Assembly speaker. In fact, Bryan’s speech was a jeremiad against his own party’s leaders — especially those in New York — who had grown rich in their defense of the era’s laissez-faire dogma.
Bryan said the convention that it had a choice to defend either “the idle holders of idle capital” or “struggling masses … who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic Party.”

Bernie's Immigration Record Assailed

Standing with Activists, Mark-Vivierto Pillories Sanders' Immigration Record Politico New York

Hillary had a very different day from Bernie yesterday. As always, Bernie was revving up huge crowds, and policy wonk Hillary was surrounded by supporters, hammering out another policy idea. In this case -- while supporters skewered Bernie from being "entirely absent from our community", Hillary promised to create a national Office of Immigrant Affairs "tasked with coordinating policies and programs across federal agencies and local governments."

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito took to the steps of City Hall Wednesday to assail Sen. Bernie Sanders’ immigration record ahead of next week's competitive New York primary.
“It’s important that New Yorkers understand that while Hillary Clinton has been fighting throughout her entire life, Senator Sanders has not only been entirely absent from our community but has also stood on the wrong side of the issues that matter most to Latinos,” Mark-Viverito said.
Mark-Viverito has served as one of Clinton’s campaign surrogates throughout this week as Clinton continues to lead in polls despite Sanders’ popularity among younger voters.
Standing alongside labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta, who co-founded the United Farm Workers, and Dream Act activist Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Mark-Viverito accused Sanders of being inactive in the years-long effort for comprehensive immigration reform and chided him for siding with Republicans.

Hillary's Network Could Populate a Half Female Clinton Cabinet

Hillary Clinton says she wants half her cabinet to be women Quartz

Not only does America rank behind 75-95 other nations, depending on the survey, in electing women to political office, only seven out of 23 cabinet-ranked positions in the Obama administration are occupied by women. Cosmopolitan writer Prachi Gupta interviewed Hillary Clinton recently and broached the practice employed by Canada's new prime minister Justin Trudeau's decision to make his cabinet 50% women. Gupta queried Clinton on her own feelings on the topic.

Candidate Clinton answered: “That is certainly my goal. A very diverse Cabinet representing the talents and experience of the entire country. And since we are a 50-50 country, I would aim to have a 50-50 Cabinet.”

Barack Obama’s cabinet breakdown doesn’t rise to that level, but its 30% of women is more than in other branches and levels of the US government. Nationwide, only 24.5% of state legislators are women, 20% of US senators, 19.3% of US representatives, according to theCenter for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. Only 6 US states have women governors, and 19 of America’s largest 100 cities have women mayors.

Hillary Headlines April 14, 2016

Jane Sanders: Clinton will fall short of pledged delegates Politico

Why Is Bernie Sanders Slamming Southern Democrats? The Daily Beast

Sanders gets his chance to shake up the race Politico

Bernie's backers rage against Democratic machine Politico

Poll: Trump more u npopular than anyone but David Duke in last 30 years of presidential elections Politico

Mothers of Black Victims Emerge as a Force for Hillary Clinton New York Times

Harvey Weinstein on Bernie Sanders: We Won't Get Fooled Again Variety

Sharon Stone on Trump's 'Hubris' and Bernie: 'How Much Acid Has This Guy Taken?' Hollywood Reporter

Hillary And Bernie Do Brooklyn Medium