Bernie's Campaign Now Says They'll Pull It Out In California & Then Get The Superdelegates | It Doesn't Add Up

Bernie Supporters Lack Basic Math Skills

No matter how you measure it, Bernie Sanders isn't winning the Democratic primary Washington Post

Sanders supporters are really having problems running the calculator. In today's world of grade inflation and America slipping to about 25th place internationally in math prowess, coupled with our digital revolution, the Sanders crowd 'feels' like they are beating the crap out of Hillary Clinton with this recent string of primary wins in small, caucus states.

Putting it another way, the Sanders supporters embrace the all states are equal in importance, regardless of their population. In reality, superdelegates have NOTHING to do with why Hillary Clinton is winning the Democratic party. But for the most ardent Bernie supporters, there is no room for basic math skills in the revolution. Math is -- well BORING and totally ESTABLISHMENT.

Boring Hillary Runs Circles Around Bernie In Daily News Interview

What Hillary Clinton Gets Right By Being Boring Washington Post

Bernie travels the country talking about free college tuition, but he really has no idea how to implement it and how he will get states to cooperate. Given the massive education cutbacks by states for the last 20 years, there is every reason to ask Bernie -- how WILL you do that?

Jonathan Capehart takes over, comparing Bernie's amd Hillary's responses on achieving their goals of assisting college students.

One word would describe Hillary Clinton’s Saturday sit-down with the New York Daily News editorial board: Boring! And that’s a good thing.
The 80-minute wonkfest with the two-term former senator from the Empire State was notably different from the editorial board meeting with Sen. Bernie Sanders a week earlier. That gathering was gasp-worthy for the Vermont Independent’s seeming inability to talk beyond his stump speech. Clinton had the opposite issue. She could talk — and talk and talk — about anything in thoughtful paragraphs stuffed with details.

Hillary Continues Domination of New York Polls

Hillary Clinton continues her dominating poll lead in New York, based on the results of the latest Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

Among Democrats, Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 53% to 40% and 7% undecided. The poll reflects that Bernie is making no headway among registered Dems, as Hillary maintains a 36-point advantage among African-American voters in the state (65% to 28%). Clinton also leads among those who described themselves as somewhat liberal (56%-42%), moderate or conservative (58%-33%) and among men (48% to 43%) and women (55% to 38%). Sanders leads only among voters describing themselves as very liberal (55% to 41%) and voters younger than 45 (55% to 36%). As always we stress that the age 45 is an arbitrary one in polling. The truth is most likely that Bernie leads 65-70% in voters under age 30, and then HIllary breaks even or ahead.

Bernie Gets Another Bashing

What Bernie Sanders Got Wrong in His Daily News Editorial Board Interview - And Keep Getting Wrong by Michael Cohen The Daily News

In a campaign that to date has been long on slogans and short on substance, The Daily News Editorial Board performed an unusual public good: It aggressively queried a presidential candidate over his policy views. Bernie Sanders' interview was one of this campaign's most revealing moments - an opportunity to go beyond Sanders' oft-repeated platitudes and challenge him directly on his plans for the country.
The results were not pretty.
What we discovered is a candidate who is long on rhetoric and short on substance, who lacks policy chops even on issues that are core to his campaign. Sanders does an excellent job of diagnosing problems - a corrupt campaign-finance system, vast wealth inequality, millionaires and billionaires who write and bend the rules and more - but the substance is lacking.
Aside from grandiose calls for a political revolution, it's increasingly clear that when it comes to Sanders' presidential campaign, there's less than meets the eye. What's unfortunate is that after months of active campaigning, it took this long for the gaps in Sanders' policy ideas and knowledge to be exposed.

Trump Tanks With Married Women


Trump Fares Poorly With Married Women He'd Need to Win Bloomberg Poll

Seventy percent of married women who are likely general-election voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican front-runner, according to the Purple Slice online poll conducted by Purple Strategies for Bloomberg Politics. Almost 60 percent said the way Trump talks about women is offensive and embarrassing and makes him unacceptable as a presidential candidate, and more than half said the billionaire is setting a new low in negativity.

“The way Trump looks among married women puts Republicans in a deficit in a key group that they won before,” said Purple Strategies pollster Doug Usher. “Trump cannot win unless these numbers change.”

Women, particularly single women, tend to vote Democratic, but the married women subset has leaned more Republican. In the 2012 election, married women preferred Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama 53 percent to 46 percent, and since 1996 Republican presidential candidates have won the married women vote, according to Gallup."

Hillary Clinton Headlines April 12, 2016

Joe Biden Thinks Hillary Clinton isn't held to a higher standard as a woman. Bless his heart. VOX

2 types of change for Dems: Bernie Sanders revolution, Hillary Clinton breakthrough Newsday

Hillary Clinton is poised for a big winning streak of her own Business Insider

NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Hold Sizable Leads in New York NBC News

Bernie Sanders' New York Mission: Improve Among Minority Voters NBC News

The Ambition of Bernie Sanders Bloomberg View

Clinton blasts Sanders' 'rural state' explanation on guns Politico

Vatican Says the Pope Didn't Invite Sanders and Isn't Planning to Meet With Him Vice News

Clinton, Sanders differ on down-ballot Democrats MSNBC