Are Democrats As Miserable & Angry As Sanders Says? | Hillary Rates Highest In PolitiFacts TRUTH-O-METER Survey

What do Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have in common? This message. Mashable

Hearing Trump and Sanders, it might be easy to assume that the entire country is in a state of depression about the current economic situation. We are one step away from going to hell in a handbasket.

Much national data doesn't confirm that America is in a total funk. A Pew Research report found people aren't terribly optimistic about where the country's economy is heading, but they're far from buying up canned foods and moving to the woods.

Similarly, a closely watched indicator of consumer sentiment is similarly down slightly but still relatively stable over the past year."

TRUTH-O-METER: Rates the Candidates

For all the discussion about her truthfulness, Hillary rates higher than Bernie on the campaign trail, says Politifact. Trump & Cruz get bad grades, Kasich much better. via

Jill Abramson on Hillary Clinton: 'She does get more 'scrutiny' than men Politico

Former executive editor of the New York Times Jill Abramson agreed in an interview with Politico's Glenn Thrush that Hillary Clinton gets more scrutiny than the male candidates.

“[W]e, for some reason, expect total purity from a woman candidate,” added Abramson, who rose to the Times’ top job in 2011. “I did not feel, during my regime, that we were giving her way more scrutiny than anyone else.” But, she said, “Where I think Hillary Clinton faces, you know, certainly more of a burden is that the controversies she’s been in are immediately labeled, you know, ‘travelgate or ‘emailgate.’ … If you actually asked people what about any of these controversies bothers them, they don’t know anything specific about any of them.”