With Anxiety Building In Sanders Camp, Sen. Elizabeth Warren Remains Silent On Endorsement

Warren's ghost hovers over Massachusetts primary Politico

Elizabeth Warren is the only woman senator who hasn't endorsed Hillary Clinton. The campaign wants Warren's endorsement but understands why she is sitting on the sidelines for now. The Bernie Sanders supporters are being particularly aggressive with Warren, as Hillary turns a sure-thing state for Bernie into an 8 pt lead for her in the most recent poll.

Warren is expected to be the consummate peacemaker in the Democratic party, writes Politico. Her job will be critical in bringing the party together ahead of the convention, if Hillary Clinton becomes the nominee.

If Clinton wins enough delegates by the end of March to become the presumptive Democratic nominee, Warren is expected to negotiate hard before giving her support to Clinton. In doing so, she could play a critical role helping to bring enthusiastic Sanders supporters into her fold.

Bernie braces for decision day Politico

Super Tuesday could be Bernie Sanders' his final stand. The outlook is grim, says Politico: Sanders needs solid wins in a minimum of five states to stay alive in the delegate hunt.

Coming off a deflating loss in Nevada and a thorough pummeling in South Carolina, Sanders’ brain trust views March 1 as a swinging gate that could either reveal — or effectively close off — his path to the nomination.

It’s a trying moment that his increasingly nervous top aides have been prepared to face for months, just not so soon. His campaign wasn’t expecting national news coverage after Hillary Clinton’s 6-point Nevada win to be quite so tough on him. Nor did staffers envision the brutal, 48-point beatdown in South Carolina — where Clinton won every county by double-digits and captured over 80 percent of black voters — and its stifling effect on the Vermont senator's attempts to regain momentum.

Sanders Supporters Trolling Elizabeth Warren To Get Her Endorsement Vocativ

After Clinton’s landslide South Carolina win was announced Saturday night, Team Bernie started bombarding Senator Warren with tweets and posts calling on her to endorse Clinton’s challenger. The Massachusetts Democrat and progressive hero has not endorsed any of the candidates, and now, hours before the polls open in her home state, the Bernie bros are hoping she could give him a last minute bump.

Thousands of tweets calling for the endorsement have been posted during the last 24 hours, a Vocativ social media analysis found. 

Hillary Clinton Headlines Feb. 29, 2016

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