Black Voices Matter | Ironically The Arrest Rates For Blacks In Burlington, Vt Is Higher Than In Ferguson, Mo

In South Caroline poll, younger blacks lean towards Clinton, not Sanders MSNBC

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll of South Carolina Democrats shows Hillary Clinton leading among voters under 45. This result pops up in numerous polls across the South where people of color make up substantial segments in the electorate. These projected results contrast with Bernie Sanders' strong showing among younger white voters in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Clinton’s advantage among younger blacks, if she is able to maintain it, will have deep implications beyond South Carolina. Starting on March 1, there will be a series of primaries in states throughout the South with huge black populations, such as Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. If Clinton remains the candidate of both younger and older black voters, she could run up big victory margins in these states.

The Only Strategy For Hillary Clinton Is To Scorch The Earth BuzzFeed

Even David Axelrod, the architect of President Obama's 2008 campaign, says that the upcoming election will be ferocious. With the high probability of Donald Trump being the Republican nominee, “The slogan is ‘Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid,’” said Paul Begala, who is an adviser to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA.

Begala's team represents the "hit men", so to speak, whose job is to go negative in what will be "a contrast election".

“It will be her versus a fucking asshole in almost any scenario,” mused one prominent Obama loyalist. “It’s going to be a lot of fear, but she’s going to have a lot of room to run, and she’s not going to have to destroy the other person, because the other person is going to be so eminently destroyable.” A broad campaign theme will be that the Republican party has gone insane.
Begala, who will be manning the wrecking ball in the summer and fall, said that if Rubio, seen as the hardest of the Republican targets, is the nominee, one issue presents itself clearly: “He will be the first major party in American history who believes that a woman should be forced by law to bring a rapist’s baby to term,” he said.

Poll: Clinton crushes Trump among Hispanics Politico

 A new poll of registered Hispanic voters out Thursday from Univision and The Washington Post puts Hillary Clinton as the top choice of Hispanics in any party with 39%, with Bernie Sanders behind her at 19%.

Among Republicans, Rubio is 8%; Trump 7%; and Cruz 7%.

Among Hispanic Democrats, Clinton's lead is 57%, compared to Sanders at 28%.

More than half of those surveyed consider themselves a member of the Democratic Party (56%), 27% identify as independent, 14 % are members of the Republican Party and 3% did not know or didn’t answer.

Black Women Vote!

For Black Women in the US, Voting Is About So Much More Than Who's President

Black youth, long derided for their alleged political apathy, form the nucleus of a modern American political movement centered on black lives. It's a movement that's largely been led by young black women who have made it clear to the Democratic Party that their votes, which have propelled candidates in every recent national election, are not a given.
The irony is that Clinton, long a beacon of hope for feminists aching to see a woman take office, has also stacked her campaign with black women — Maya Harris, a policy expert; LaDavia Drane, her director of African-American outreach; and black feminist writer Zerlina Maxwell — who know exactly what's at stake.
"We're sophisticated voters, sophisticated thinkers, we're not just going to hand out our vote to anyone," Drane told Mic. "I believe that [Hillary's] earning black voters' trust, [and] she's been doing it for a long time now.

Here's How Black People Actually Fare in Bernie Bansers' Home State

 A colleague of mine noted that between 1993 and 2007, the black incarceration rate grew faster in Vermont than in any other state. This 2007 study got us digging around.

Shortly before its peak, the Sentencing Project reported that Vermont had the second-highest black-to-white incarceration rate in America — topped only by Iowa, a similar state with a small black population.

In this excellent article from, we learn that black people in Burlington, Vermont, were arrested at a rate of 243.2 per 1,000 compared to the rate for Ferguson, Missouri, which was 186.1, when the Feds got involved.

Hillary Clinton Headlines February 25, 2016

Why a smart woman should vote for Hillary Clinton San Francisco Chronicle

Study: Bernie Sanders's health plan is actually kind of a train wreck for the poor Washington Post

While Hillary Clinton talks about race, Bernie, Bernie Sanders turns elsewhere to reach minority voters LA Times

Dear Bernie: I Like You, But These Red Flags Are Too Frequent to . . . Huff Po

Some families of Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook victims endorse Clinton Denver Post

Hillary Clinton: The Leader You Want When The World Ends BuzzFeed

Black Lives Matter protesters confront Clinton at a fundraiser CNN

The Superpredator Myth, 20 Years Later Equal Justice Initiative