Hillary Clinton Explains Her Views On Love & Kindness As Obama Calls Her Ginger Rogers Dancing Backwards & In High Heels

Hillary Clinton Wants To Talk With You About Love & Kindness BuzzFeed

This in-depth examination of Hillary Clinton's values resonates deeply with many of her supporters. Cramer's style is non-judging and listening. Can you imagine? A writer who lets HIllary tell her own story, rather than making it his/her mission to set the record straight, to strip all the veneer off Hillary because -- after all -- who does she think she is talking about love and kindness, about a need for human and community responsibility to each other.

What she wants to talk about hinges on a simple question of how we can, as humans, better treat one another. To Hillary Clinton, this is politics. She’s talking, literally, about “going back and actually living by the Golden Rule.” She’s talking about a “great renaissance of caring in this country.” Part of the challenge is the vocabulary. “A lot of this is hard to talk about,” Clinton admits. “I’m not real articulate about it.”

Does she have delusions of being Jack Kennedy, raising spirits with his famous "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?" Plus it's not a good time to hear that empty-headed, retro puddlewackey.

Kudos to Ruby Cramer. And no, we didn't want to read the comments. It would be too painful and we chose to bask in integrity of a thoughtful article that gives Hillary 1/10th the authenticity poured over Bernie 24/7.

Bernie Sanders Struggles to 'Champion Women' like Hillary Clinton TIME

A key difference between Hillary and Bernie is her belief that sexism and racism and anti-gay beliefs -- a host of inequalities exist apart from income inequality. Bernie ties all evils to income inequality. If we fix it, other inequality will cease to exist.

I disagree with Bernie profoundly over this position. It represents a core disagreement between leftist men and many feminists. You don't hear Bernie advocating for equal representation of women in legislative bodies, as they enjoy in the Nordic countries he admires. Few leftist men have ever argued passionately that women should figure prominently in governing. Like so many men, leftist men believe they can represent women just as well as we can represent ourselves. Sound familiar?

This prioritizing of income-inequality as the greatest sin hovers over Bernie's now infamous recent assertions that Planned Parenthood represents the establishment. As TIME reminds us,

Sanders has used “establishment” as a pejorative. The word implies that something (or someone) is out-of-touch, corrupt, even vaguely evil. So by applying that term to an organization—or even the leadership of an organization—that has become a rallying cry for Democrats and and is viewed favorably by almost 60% of Americans begs the question: Is the liberal “establishment” really that bad?

“Once you get off of the social issues—abortion, gay rights, guns—and into the economic issues,” he told Rolling Stone last year, “there is a lot more agreement than the pundits understand.”
That quote—offered early in the campaign—has been widely interpreted to suggest that Sanders has ranked his political priorities, and that “social issues” like abortion could take a backseat in the Bernie revolution. “We can’t afford a Democratic nominee for president who treats abortion rights like an afterthought,” wrote Emily’s List president Stephanie Schriock on Friday. She went on to accuse Sanders of treating reproductive rights like “extra credit,” and noted that Sanders doesn’t mention anything about abortion, contraception, or reproductive care anywhere in his entire health plan.

Exclusive: Obama on Iowa, Clinton, Sanders and 2016 Politico

Even as he spoke wistfully of his 80-plus cold-pizza and crowded-van days in Iowa eight years ago, Obama seemed to embrace Clinton’s 2008 closing Iowa argument as much as his own, adopting her contention that inspiration without experience won’t cut it. He repeatedly praised Clinton without reservation while offering more tempered praise to the surging Sanders, whom he sees as a principled outsider seeking to change “terms of the debate that were set by Ronald Reagan 30 years ago.”


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Bernie Sanders says he polls better against GOP candidates than Hillary Clinton Politifact

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How Hillary Clinton got on the wrong side of liberals' changing theory of American history VOX

Strategists for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Aim for Every Inch of Iowa NY Times

Why Is President Obama Embracing Hillary Clinton Now? The New Yorker

Bernie Sanders Wants Us To Trust Him New Republic

HIllary Goes Up to 11, While Bernie Dials It Back New Republic

Bernie Sanders and the Liberal Imagination The Atlantic

Gay, lesbian polilticians from New York will endorse HIllary Clinton for president NY Daily News

HIllary Clinton Gets Personal on Christ and Her Faith NY Times

Bernie Sanders' One Answer on How He Would Get Anything Done ABC News

Bernie Sanders's Single-Payer Health Care Plan Failed in Vermont The Daily Beast

Bernie Sanders's Big Turnout Problem: He's Reliant on Infrequent Voters NY Times