Hillary Clinton On Andrea Mitchell Noon Friday MSNBC | Confronting The NY Times

Sept 4 Hillary MSNBC Interview

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sits down with NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell tomorrow in the third national interview of her campaign.

The conversation will first air on Mitchell’s 12 noon MSNBC program, timed one day ahead of the 20th anniversary of Clinton’s famour Beijing speech on women’s rights. Andrea Mitchell traveled to Beijing for NBC in 1995.

The Clintons vs NY Times

Writing for The Daily Beast, Lloyd Grove inquires about the alleged institutional bias the Times has against the Clintons.

In a July 28 open letter  posted on the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign website,  communications director Jennifer Palmieri went on the attack, condeming the Times’ sloppy journalism and unethical practices.

Sept 3 Hillary Headlines

Hillary Clinton Uses GOP’s Words to Aid Her Arguments@ NYTimes

Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton has big edge over me with black voters@ DesMoinesRegister.com

Ex-Hillary Clinton Staffer Who Set Up Email Server Plans to Plead the Fifth@ NBC News

A Voter Question Helped Inspire Hillary Clinton’s New Drug Abuse Plan @ TIME

Clinton readies New Hampshire push to erase Sanders’ lead @ Politico