HIllary Clinton Calls For Path to Citizenship In Brooklyn Immigration Speech

Hillary Clinton Rips Marco Rubio and Donald Trump in Immigration Speech Observer News

Speaking at the National Immigrant Integration Conference—just blocks away from her national campaign headquarters—the Democratic front-runner for White House lambasted Mr. Trump’s calls for a barrier on the Mexican border and large-scale removal of undocumented foreign nationals, which she said would “drag us backward.” She also attacked the rhetoric of his campaign kick-off in June, when the candidate claimed Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs” and are “rapists,” and mocked his “Make America Great Again campaign slogan.”
“I disagree with those who say Make America Great. We are great, and we’re going to stay great, and we’re going to get greater!” she told the cheering crowd. “Candidates for president are calling immigrants drug-runners and rapists. They promise, if elected, to round up and deport millions of people, build a mammoth wall, militarize the border, tear families apart.”

Hillary Clinton Outlines Immigration Plan WNYC News

Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton made a clear distinction between herself and all Republican 2016 presidential candidates in a speech Monday to the annual National Immigration Integration Conference in Brooklyn. Saying that she would waive the fees, increase access to language programs and close privately run detention centers, Clinton promised to create a "path to full and equal citizenship."

Luiz Guteirrez To Endorse Hillary Clinton Ahead of Her Appearance at Immigration Conference


Hillary Clinton Headlines Monday November 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton Outlines Immigration Plan WNYC News

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