Gender Gap Volume Rises As Bernie Bros Tell Progressive Women How To Vote

Hillary, Bernie and Race: Hard Truths About Bias Among White Male Progressives Hillary Men

Throughout the summer, Sanders and Clinton supporters engaged in a soft glove battle of the sexes with Bernie Sanders'  primarily white male supporters sparring with Hillary supporters of every skin color and white women. The so-called Bernie Bros are focused on Clinton supporters like myself, the so-called spoiled, bourgeoise, white woman. 

The argument escalated recently over Clinton-Sanders sparring over gun control. Indeed, candidate Sanders did say during CNN's Democratic debate, when asked about his positions on gun control: " . . . What I can tell Secretary Clinton, that all the shouting in the world is not going to do what I would hope all of us want. 

In response, candidate Clinton narrated a response that is now part of her speeches: "You know, I’ve been told to stop, and I quote, 'shouting about gun violence.' Well, first of all, I’m not shouting. It’s just that when women talk some people think we’re shouting," Hillary said at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum.

We's Not Shouting, But We ARE Digging In

No self-respecting feminist will go to the wall over Bernie's comment about shouting -- although given his role as the shouter-in-chief, his commentary about others is downright amusing. Surely he didn't mean to minimize his opponent in any way. 

That is not the case with the white progressive men Peter Daou and Tom Watson write about over at Hillary Men. The genie is out of the bottle in political gender relations in the Democratic party, with a strong dose of misogyny running wild -- not among Southern Democrats, who barely exist anymore -- but among white male progressives.  

Feminists of a certain age are well aware that many leftist men were frequently sexist as hell. Among Latinos, African Americans, American Indians -- really any group of people except middle-class white women -- a desire for self-determination is embraced by white male progressives as legitimate. Among white women not on welfare or living among the working poor -- women who are typically able to speak and write or run for political office -- a desire for fairness and equity in political representation is considered to be bourgeoise and without a strong political foundation.

White Progressive Men Will Take Care of Their Women

When the topic is educated, professional white women -- white men know what is best for us and will govern us accordingly. The argument that the nation's problems lie in America's patriarchal attitudes -- and not only class -- cannot be uttered. The research confirming in study after study that societies in which women govern with equity perform better falls on deaf ears among progressive white men. They are insulted beyond words that any woman or group of women can govern more effectively than they can. If that's not sexist thinking, I really don't know what is. 

Several women writers are weighing in on this topic, and they cannot all be analyzed in this read. AOC is busy analyzing the 2014 Global Gender Gap Report where America is losing ground to many other countries in electing women to office. America's white male progressives are swimming against the tide of female empowerment worldwide, and in particular, in electing women to serve in legislatures and as heads of state.   

The Shes Weigh In 

Men Explain HIllary to Me Michelle Goldberg for Slate

The Bernie Bros. vs. the Hillarybots Rebecca Traister for New York Magazine

Was Bernie Sanders sexist toward Hillary Clinton? That's asking the wrong question. Emily Crockett for VOX

I'm a Hot Mess for Hillary Rebecca Traister for Elle

Yearning for Biden Reveals Gender Bias Against Clinton Adelle M. Stan for The American Prospect

NEW on Facebook & AOC: Blue Menu Politics

  Blue Menu Politics: Nancy Pelosi's Sinfully Rich Chocolate Mousse Recipe   AOC Hillary Women

AOC has revived an older FB page 'Spittin' Out the Pitts', dedicated in 2012 to defeating then Rep. Joe Pitts, mastermind of the bulk of anti-women's health legislation in Congress. We've changed the name to Blue Menu Politics, a companion to HillaryWomen News, dedicated exclusively to electing Hillary Clinton. Blue Menu Politics tracks news about progressive women in American politics -- whether they are Democrats, Independents or Republicans. Attempting to be witty, BMP mixes food with feminist politics -- and with an irreverent attitude. 
Obviously, the vast majority of people featured on Blue Menu Politics will be Democratic women who are Hillary supporters. The columns will be featured on both Facebook and here on Anne of Carversville


Hillary Headlines November 7, 2015

Hillary Clinton Talks Past Sanders, O'Malley at MSNBC Democratic Forum US News

Strong jobs report could help Hillary Clinton, Democrats CNN

Clinton emails not highly classified, intel agency reportedly rules The Hill

Bill Clinton comes off the sidelines Politico

Why Hillary Clinton Thinks Gun Control Can Win in 2016 TIME

In Iowa Hillary Clinton and Outsiders Hold the Cards CNN