Star Jones Co-Hosts Hillary Clinton Fundraiser in New York on Dec. 10, 2015

In 2012, women of color -- and especially Black women -- voted at a higher rate than any other group, representing a key constituency that elected President Obama. Black women voted in historically high numbers, voting Democratic and delivering a victory to the nation's first African American president. 

In the 2008 election, many of these women were split between Senators Clinton and Obama. Now they are united in their commitment to Hillary Clinton. 

Next month on Dec. 10,  Star Jones, former co-host of 'The View' and president of the Professional Diversity Network and National Association of Professional Women; Cora Masters Barry, widow of former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry; Yolanda Caraway, president and CEO of the Caraway Group; and Minyon Moore, principal of Dewey Square Group and head of state and local affairs and multicultural strategies practices for the Clinton campaign are hosting an exclusive private reception and fundraiser called 'African-American Women For Hillary Clinton.'

Donations begin at $1000.

Survey Monkey Online Poll

In a new Survey Monkey online poll conducted Sunday through Tuesday among 5,755 adults nationwide, including 1,983 Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic Hillary Clinton maintains a 16-point lead over Bernie Sanders. 

Clinton carries 66% of all Black voters, male and female, vs. 16% for Sanders. Note that the race is closer than phone polls released this week, but it may be more accurate.  A new Bloomberg Politics poll shows Clinton with a 25-point lead over Sanders.