No, BernieBros, Sanders Didn't Win the Debate By Any Scientific Measure

Julia Rothman, a New York City-based artist, sketched Hillary Clinton At Saturday night's Democratic debate. via

I am constantly drawing what’s around me, things that happen to me, things I see, things I am thinking about. I wanted to draw the debate because it was just that—something important happening that I definitely needed to pay attention to. Hillary is a remarkable woman, and I am incredibly inspired by her tenacity. When I draw someone, I am completely focused on that person. This was a chance to really study her courage and determination—and understand her by observing her intensely.

Clinton's Wall Street Donors Say More Than 9/11 Built Their Bond Bloomberg Politics

Just about everyone was surprised by Hillary's response in Saturday night's debate, when she tied Sept. 11 to her relationship with Wall Street. The world pounced -- and even I won't attempt to explain her answer. That was a woops!

Bloomberg Polltics goes to Wall Street to get their response. Being pretty familiar with the crowd due to a long-term personal experience, the answers make sense to HWN.

Note that Hillary isn't raising nearly as much money out of Wall Street in this election -- beyond many more $2700 financial sector donors than Bernie. Her major money is coming from the West Coast -- Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Once the general election is in play, who knows.

"The hedge-fund manager Marc Lasry, another bundler, said investors like Clinton, who went on to serve as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, because of her determination. “Look, I’ve known Hillary for a long time,” he said. “Whether you are from Wall Street or from Main Street, you respect her because of her intelligence and because she’ll fight for you.”
H. Rodgin Cohen, who as Sullivan & Cromwell LLP’s senior chairman works on regulation and securities law for banking giants, said Wall Street supports her because she’s qualified to be president -- and because she appreciates finance and nuance.
“She rejects simplistic solutions and slogans in favor of comprehensive and thoughtful analysis,” Cohen said, “whether in the financial arena or elsewhere.”

No Bernie Sanders Didn't Win the Debate By Any Scientific Measure Huffington Post

If you Google Hillary Clinton in Google News right now, the jaded and unscientific opinions of a 5th tier blogger HA Goodman are the #1 entry in Google News for the article Bernie Sanders Won the Debate. . I assume this positioning is based on his following on Huff Po (where one writes for free) and the enthusiasm of Bernie's digital audience is major. The last fact should be applauded. I've been reading Goodman, as part of my study of the Bernie Bros posse trying to take down Hillary and was so aghast at the lack of sound reporting and scientific argument in his post, that I left this extensive comment.

"I've been following your writing of late, and honestly have no respect for your journalistic credentials. The poll you refer to was conducted by PPP. a B- level poll according to FiveThirtyEight.  That sounds bad until you look at everything else. You ignore the twice the size CBS poll which came up with the same results. So you made the decision to ignore that very respected poll which had 51% saying Clinton won versus 28% for Bernie.
It may suit your cause to twist statistical facts, but this is exactly what's wrong with jaded journalism these days. In the early days after the last debate, Bernie supporters were accusing media of espionage in ignoring the totally non-scientific online polls. You share this media hatred with the right-wingers. (PS, Bernie has gotten VERY favorable treatment from the media.) Supporters were taking screenshots and calling the ACLU.
So be it. Bernie has a great online community but that doesn't make you scientifically accurate. You are enthused and passionate, which is good for democracy. There isn't one scientific poll out of ALL published in the month of Oct /Nov that doesn't show Bernie massively losing ground to Hillary. And you KNOW THAT FACT, sir blogger.
As for the women in particular who won't vote for Hillary (thankfully a small number, given the huge gender gap in this election), when you decide to put a Republican Supreme Court in play -- one determined to end birth control and all voter rights in America in favor of corporations -- to name two issues -- you just look in the mirror and say "I was right. It was worth not voting -- or goddess forbid -- voting for the Republican." That is your choice and your decision. God help your daughters, though. I'll be long past having to worry about the consequences of your decision.

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