Hillary Is No Joke On SNL | Bernie Will Need Big Money To Win Says Politico Caucus

Val, Come Back! We Love You!

In April 2015 'Saturday Night Live's' Kate McKinnon told ABC's 'Live with Kelly and Michael' about her often brutal impersonations of 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "I have not heard from her. I hope she likes it because, obviously, "I love her so much". 

As a fake Clinton, Kate McKinnon said during episode 15 of the show's 40th season saying "Those emails are clean as a whistle. This is not how Hillary Clinton goes down."

McKinnon calls herself a "huge admirer of Clinton, saying “I’m sort of glad I haven’t heard from her, because if I ever met her I think I would disintegrate into the air and blow away like a dandelion.”

Kate McKinnon did not disintegrate into a withered dandelion last night, when she came face-to-face with the real Hillary Clinton playing Val the bartender on 'Saturday Night Live'. Let's hope she becomes a regular!!!.

Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) confides her concerns about the 2016 presidential race to her bartender, Val (Hillary Clinton).

Experts Say Bernie Is No Obama & Needs Big Money To Win

Insiders : Sanders Needs Big Money Politico

This week's Politico Caucus, a bipartisan group of top activists, operatives and strategists rejects the argument by Bernie Sanders and his supporters that he can win early primaries and eventually the Democratic nomination for president without accepting big money. Iowa, Hew Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada weighed in with 83 percent of South Carolina Democrats, 62 percent of Nevada, and 54 percent of New Hampshire Democrats that small donor donations are not enough.  Iowa Democrats were the lowest, with 40 percent saying Bernie needed big money. 

Citing the reality that Obama in 2008 did win the nomination with small donors, the panel assessed Bernie Sanders differently. "Barack Obama raised millions from small donors, but his candidacy was unprecedented in doing this," noted another. "Bernie Sanders does not have the same status as a candidate that Barack Obama did."

Added an Iowa Republican, "Maybe in Iowa... but not in the long run. Ask Ron Paul how it worked for him."

Another Iowa Republican was more skeptical: "Even a socialist has to understand math. It doesn't add up. She'll crush him."

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