Jim Graves On Why Michelle Bachmann Must Leave Washington | Gun Control? No Way

French Roast News

Anne is reading …

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Long Island Rep. Carolyn McCarthy has more than 100 co-sponsors for her House bill that seeks to limit the number of rounds in a single magazine to 10 shots, writes The Daily Beast.A shooter would have to stop and reload after 10 fires.

Colin Ferguson, the Long Island Railroad shooter who killed her hustand in 1991 had 15 rounds and was only stopped by passengers when he stopped to reload for the third time. The shooter of former Rep. Gabby Giffords used an oversize magazine with 33 rounds in the Tuscon massacre.

McCarthy works tirelessly in Washington, but collides headon with the National Rifle Association that is prepared to spend more than $50 million to see that no gun laws are changed in America to protect innocent citizens from madmen.

Related Reading

Under a Blood Red Sky The Atlantic

There is no direct cosmic or karmic line between the Columbine shootings, which left 13 dead and 21 wounded, and Friday’s mass shooting at a premiere of a Batman movie, which left 12 dead and 58 wounded or injured. This is because the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 forever changed the way our generation copes with mass murder. There is the before. And there is the after. Many people noticed Friday how well the local emergency responders and hospital spokespeople handled their grim duties. That’s because they’ve all been through it before. Over and over again. And so have the rest of us. We are un-drafted veterans of the rituals of sudden death. It’s an American thing.

Gun Love | Sobering Statistics | America Is An Armed Fortress AOC New Day

Bio-engineering Breakthrough

Scientists at Stanford University and the J Craig Venter Institute, founders of the Human Genome project, have simulated an entire organism for the first time in history. All 525 genes of the parasite Mycoplasma genitalium have been simulated to perform every molecular interaction. via VentureBeat

Thinking Americans As Traitors

In a Word: McCarthyism

Michele Bachmann, John Sununu and a New McCarthyism StarTribune.com

Romney supporter John Sununu apologized for his recent comment “I wish this president would learn how to be an American.” But we all understand his message. A new McCarthyism is sweeping America as a trend Anne of Carversville has written about since 2007.

Even for those who accept that President Obama was born in Hawaii, that state is, don’t you know, unlike any other — multiracial, multicultural and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Sununu, who was born in Havana, Cuba, has looked at the president’s background and decided it doesn’t fit, all irony apparently lost amid the bluster. Sununu’s guy Romney, whose father was born in Mexico, mostly stood back looking sheepish. “Plausible deniability” is what it’s usually called.

In the case of President Barack Obama, the intended message is: “He’s not one of use”. Obama is not alone.

Progressive women “aren’t one of us” either. For Catholic bishops, who launch their natural contraception only campaign tomorrow July 22, women who take birth control are not good Americans. In fact, all but the 2 percent of Catholic women who practice natural birth control are living in a state of mortal sin. They are going to hell.

Those of us who advocate for women’s health care rights are “slut girls” and unpatriotic, self-absorbed “me me me” women, because we have the audacity to think that we are not equal to a fertilized egg.

Supporting Planned Parenthood is a form of treason to right wingers. So is being inspired by the Statue of Liberty. She is a false idol say the right-wingers. Oprah is the forerunner to the AntiChrist. Progressive women represent Harlot Babylon.

The hypocrisy is nauseating!

Related Reading

Michele Bachmann alleges fellow congressman has Muslim Brotherhood Ties Boston Herald

Michele Bachmann Now Questions Securty Clearances for Catholics, Proving She Doesn’t Discriminate The Bennington Vale Evening Transcript

A year after winning Ames straw poll, Bachmann’s political stock takes a hit The Hill

It’s Time for Ms. Bachmann to Leave Washington Huff Po

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