Trump Triggers New National Neurosis Say Therapists Coast to Coast | Magary Says: 'If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You'

If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You by Drew Magary GQ

"Because while Trump is a miserable bastard, YOU are the people who have handed him the bullhorn. YOU are the people willing to embarrass this nation and put it on the brink of economic ruin all because you wanna throw an electoral hissy fit. YOU are the people who want to revolutionize the way America does business by voting for its worst businessman, a disgusting neon pig who only makes money when he causes problems for other people instead of solving them. YOU are the thin-skinned yokels who clutch your bandoliers whenever someone hurls the mildest of slurs at you (“deplorables”), while cheering Trump on as he leaves a bonfire of truly hateful invective everywhere he goes. YOU are the people willing to overlook the fact that Trump is an unqualified, ignorant sociopath because DURRRR HILLARY IS BAD TOO DURRRR.

You know what? No, she’s not. She’s fine. I lived through one Clinton, and I can live through another. My reasons for hating Trump are better than your reasons for hating Hillary. Show me all the arguments against her you like. You guys don’t give a shit about facts and research when it comes to Trump, so I’m not gonna give a shit about whatever clumsy meme you cook up to explain why she did Benghazi. Nope. Sorry. Fuck your arguments, and fuck you. Trump has shown no respect for anyone, so I don’t see why you deserve any either. Whatever mildly frustrating centrist liberal bureaucracy that Hillary presides over will be fine compared to the spray tan mushroom cloud that would arise all because YOU thought Trump was such a brave, un-PC dickhead to everyone within shouting distance.

Trump is human waste. He is the worst of America stuffed into a nacho cheese casing, and he is emblematic of the kind of arrogant, flag-waving, trashy, racist moron that the rest of us have to DRAG kicking and screaming into the 21st century: Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, Kim Davis, and on and on and on. Trump voters are the people who have spent the past decade or so voting insipid obstructionists into office, sending death threats to anyone who even mentions the idea of gun control, demanding 100% tax cuts on millions of dollars they can only daydream about making, and getting suckered in by any Oil Party candidate waving a NO GAYS flag. Fuck them. These are needy hillbilly loons who are just as starved for attention as Trump himself. And voting for Trump is their way of emulating him, of saying FUCK YOU to everyone else as a mission statement, with no regard for the fallout."

Trump & The New National Neurosis

Trump-Induced Anxiety Is Real. Therapists and Their Patients Are Struggling to Cope by Michelle Goldberg Slate

People are scared,” says Fiachra “Figs” O’Sullivan, a psychotherapist in San Francisco who specializes in relationships and was interviewed by Michelle Goldberg. “People are distressed, and it’s affecting their level of presence in their relationships with their significant others.” Watching the election “is like living in a house where everybody screams” says 54-year-old stay-at-home LA mom Dorie Chamberlain

It would take a Trump presidency for researchers to determine whether Donald Trump has triggered a new American neurosis or worse yet, a serious psychotic state. Goldberg did find many anecdotes like Dorie's when she put out feelers on the topic to both therapists and voters plagued with sleepless nights and bad dreams. Goldberg herself has succumbed, writing: "I’ve covered four elections as a journalist, but this is the first one to regularly poison my dreams; at least once a week I wake up in the middle of the night in clammy, agitated horror. I was curious if other people were suffering in similar ways, so I reached out to a therapist I know. She queried two email lists of mostly New York–based colleagues, asking them to contact me if they’d seen Trump-related distress in their practices. Responses quickly started pouring in; soon I had almost a dozen."

In reality, the therapists themselves had succumbed to Trump syndrome. “The therapists that I know are pretty overwhelmed by managing their personal feelings, which we have to do and we’re doing, but it’s a lot,” says psychologist Heather Silvestri. She belongs to a meditation group for therapists and says the election comes up in every session."

From Russia With Trump: A Political Conflict Zone ABC News

Donald Trump wants us to believe that his entanglements with Russians aren't complex, as he has sought to put distance between himself and Moscow. 

“For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he wrote on Twitter in July.

Trump later told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that his dealings were nothing more than selling a bunch of condos. “I do that. But I have no relationship to Russia whatsoever."

But an ABC News investigation found he has numerous connections to Russian interests both in the U.S. and abroad.

“The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars -- what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen,” said Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group and who says he once helped market Trump’s U.S. condos in Russia and the former Soviet states. “They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate—[and] be associated with Donald Trump.”

We trust that specific questions about Donald Trump's Russian relations will be a pointed debate topic.

Cruz Turns His Colors

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