Ultimate Warwick UK Yarn Bomb Kitchen For Jumpers & Jazz Featival

Fifty artists and artisans spent seven months creating what may be the biggest yarn bombing on the planet: a crocheted, nostalgic Thanksgiving kitchen complete with Turkey, a sink with counter space, china cabinet, refrigerator and range, utensils and every other object that belongs in such a living space. The artists employed multiple yarn techniques including knitting, crocheting, felting and weaving.

The project is on display at Warwick Art Gallery in England as part of the city’s Jumpers and Jazz art festival. Gallery director Karina Devine says the project is a bold take on a global trend: yarn bombing, or knitting and purling sweater-like wraps for inanimate objects. “Yarn bombing is an international phenomenon,” she says. “This wasn’t about going out in the middle of the night and whacking something up on a fencepost. This was carefully planned.” via MyModernMet

I can’t resist the Singer sewing machine ad below. ~ Anne

