David Bowie's 'The Next Day' Video Savages Un-Christ-like Catholic Church

French Roast News

Anne is reading …

David Bowie’s latest video ‘The Next Day’ is back up on YouTube after being taken down from the Google-owned website a few hours after being uploaded. The video in which David Bowie is dressed as Christ, accompanied by Gary Oldman as a debauched priest and Marion Cotillard as a prostitute was said to have “breached YouTube’s terms of service.”

The Independent reports that former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey called the video “juvenile”. 

He told The Telegraph: “If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery perhaps Christians should not worry too much at such an exploitation of religious imagery.”

“I doubt that Bowie would have the courage to use Islamic imagery - I very much doubt it.”

There is no doubt that the video for ‘The Next Day’ is heavily critical of the Church. Imagery includes a Cardinal dancing with a bare-breasted woman, stigmata wounds erupted in the hands of Cotillard, and a figure engaged in self-flagellation.

‘The Next Day’ video is directed by Italian photographer Floria Sigismondi, who began her career as a fashion photographer.

Religious Purity in Rome

Did Pope Clement VII Father Alessandro de Medici with a Nigerian Slave Girl? AOC Sensual Rebel

This attempt to focus didn’t last. When the goddess knocking begins, it’s futile to try to beat it back. Accepting that there is a reason why I flew off to Florence in my Italian-inspired burst of creativity last week — and it has nothing to do with my glorious, sexy existence in and out of the country for years — I began Googling. 

Ask and you will receive! Within minutes I was on PBS Frontline, reading about Alessandro de Medici, the great 16th century Italian Renaissance figure whose Medici prince remains are buried in the famous tomb of Michaelangelo.

Without even trying to mount my religious hypocrisy soapbox, enter stage right one 17-year-old Cardinal Giulio de Medici, as the father of Alessandro. The later Pope Clement VII, is believed by researchers to be the father of a bastard child conceived with a North African slave girl.

Good goddess! A Catholic pope is unintentionally besmirched by my flower pots in this accidental bout with the creative truth.

Doomed | 2Ps in a Pod

Believing in Birth Control Doesn’t Make Me Un-American AOC Sensual Rebel

I just watched a PBS segment on family planning in the Philippines. In it the Catholic bishop spoke aggressively against controlling population, saying that it was fine that women have as many children as possible. We both know the Catholic Church believes it is a woman’s duty. It’s the world’s challenge to figure out how to feed all these babies, not for women to have fewer children argues the bishop who has never had a baby in his life.

(This wandering essay was part of Anne’s short-lived 2012 blog with a Catholic brother. Brother Dennis assured her that he would stand by her, as she was called a whore and every other despicable name in the book. Instead, the brother threw her to the wolves. Based on Anne’s most recent skirmish with the Catholic Church, the new David Bowie video ‘The Next Day’ got her attention.)