Fighting For Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Against Mike Fitzpatrick, Against Sex Trafficking & Against Personhood Bills

Anne of Carversville and GlamTribale are on the road today, popping up at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

This 10’x10’ shop comes just eight days after our Mt. Airy event was a wonderful financial, marketing and PR success. Our Mt. Airy event, following our earlier gallery stay at Karen Riggs’ Tribal Home, gave us the opportunity to both improve our game and better articulate our GlamTribale progressive values.

First and foremost, GlamTribale jewelry is an opportunity for me to stand publicly for women worldwide and also in Pennsylvania. It gives me the opportunity to ‘walk my talk’, not only study and articulate the intersections of women’s rights, religion, sexual politics, business and humanitarianism.

At GlamTribale, my personal beliefs and those of Robert, Zuwena, Ben and Cat are reflected in the way we do business. There is no doubt that we stand for progressive values and especially we stand for women worldwide — with a few exceptions.

Standing for Dr Muhammad Yunus

If you haven’t read Nicholas D. Kristof’s recent column ‘Women Hurting Women’, you must. Dr Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen bank and the women’s microfinance movement. He is a nobel laureate and a revered fighter in the global movement to empower women.

As Kristof reminds us, women can be just as contemptible as men, in their exercise of power.

Sheikh Hasina’s government has already driven Yunus from his job as managing director of Grameen Bank. Worse, since last month, her government has tried to seize control of the bank from its 5.5 million small-time shareholders, almost all of them women, who collectively own more than 95 percent of the bank.

Standing Against Mike Fitzpatrick

Anne of Carversville, GlamTribale jewelry and I stand against Mike Fitzpatrick, the Republican incumbent defending his Congressional seat against Kathy Boockvar in PA’s 8th congressional district, the place where Anne of Carversville was sounded.

Before Mike Fitzpatrick launched a vicious smear campaign against Kathy Boockvar last week, trying to attack her via her husband to one of the most sensational and vicious murder cases in Pennsylvania history, I remained opposed to Mike Fitzpatrick for many reasons, but in particular for his support of the Republican War on Women.

Mike Fitzpatrick believes that women’s rights are of equal value to those of a fertilized egg. He believes that his opponent Kathy Boockvar — a mother, wife, lawyer and civic leader — is equal to an hour old fertilized embryo under the 14th amendment to the US Constitution. This is the essence of the Personhood Amendment, and Mike Fitzpatrick has joined the vast majority of Republicans in the US  House of Representatives in support of legislation that would reduce women’s rights in America to those of a fertilized egg. 

Just as Dr. Yunnus is being persecuted by a woman, there are a small minority of American women who support a personhood amendment. Just as mothers set their daughter-in-laws on fire on India or throw acid in their faces, there is a small minority of women in America who join the Catholic bishops in reducing women’s rights to nothingness in this country.

Kathy Boockvar is more than a fertilized egg, and I am not a murderer as Fitzpatrick would believe, because I have used an IUD as birth control.

It is this view of women worldwide — that we exist as God-made servants of men like Mike Fitzpatrick — that encourages the sex-trafficking of women and the suffering of millions of women worldwide. Anne of Carversville was founded to fight this patriarchal and delusional view of male power and privilege.

It’s 6am and I’m off to promote our values at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women. I will share important articles on AOC’s philosophy on women’s rights in part two of this message. For now, please read Repubican War on Women Alive in My Beloved Bucks County.

And be sure to watch Nicolas Kristoff’s amazing documentary running last night and tonight on PBS ‘Half the Sky’. You will hear the story of millions of women worldwide — stories that AOC has told for the last five years.

Today I am standing not only for our wonderful new jewelry collection, but for the candidacy of Kathy Boockvar and ALL the Democratic Progressive women candidates in Pennsylvania AND all over America. ~ Anne