'Waste Landscape' Metallic CD Dune By Elise Morin & Clémence Eliard

Waste Landscape is on display in Paris’ Centquartre space in the Halle d’Aubervilles until September 11, 2011. Elise Morin (artist) and Clémence Eliard (architect) of SMALL MEDIUM LARGE design studio, in collaboration with the 104.fr, have collected 65,000 CDs, now representing throwaway technology and rubbish in our MP3 society.

The result is a 600 square meters artificial undulating landscape of metallic dune, a seductive and artistic eruption into our environmental consciousness — should we choose to receive it.

Best explained in the words of the artists themselves, “the project joins a global, innovative, and committed approach, from its means of production until the end of its “life”.  Waste Landscape will be displayed in locations coherent with the objectives of the project: art’s role in society, raising consciousness towards environmental problems through culture, alternative modes of production and the valuation of district associative work and professional rehabilitation… Waste Landscape is at the crossroad of contemporary art, landscaping and environmental concerns.”

At the end of its exhibition lifecycle, ‘Waste Landscape’ will meet its next transformation into recycled polycarbonate.


via yzr