'In An Absolut World' Ad Campaign Embraces Hot-Button, Cultural Creative Food Issues

Can a Cultural Creative vodka campaign inspire me to change brands on the spot? Just maybe.

Reading Yes Magazine’s in-depth look at America’s food revolution, I discovered an excellent Cultural Creative blog City Farmer News.

CFN introduced me to this video In An Absolut World, Cities Farm (Parts 1 and 2).

Staten Island eggplant puree … yum!

I adore this video featuring footage and interviews from a New York dinner hosted to raise awareness about and show the potential of urban farming, a major initiative among Cultural Creatives. The five course menu composed entirely of ingredients from Manhattan’s five boroughs. Some of the menu items included Rockaway Striped Bass with Bronx Collard Greens, Brooklyn Cranberry Beans, and even cocktails with muddled berries foraged from Central Park.

Back to Absolut Vodka, first and foremost these videos and the entire dinner project, presumably sponsored by Absolut, are educational and informative, supportive of the local food movement and not at all highly-promotional on Absolut’s part.

Believe me, I noticed this fact and approve of Absolut’s ‘soft glove’ approach to sponsorship. Cultural Creatives understand the need for corporate collaboration on many global issues, but the role of the corporate sponsor must be carefully positioned.

Absolut’s optimist ‘In an Absolut World’ campaign on this timely topic of growing local food is perfectly executed.

Let’s keep going, looking for recent updates from the ‘In an Absolut World’ campaign. This video In an Absolut World, Mother Nature Fights Back has nothing to do with vodka.

Produced with ecogeek.org, this video campaign is strictly about Cultural Creatives environmental values. There’s not a vodka in the house.

I would be irresponsible suggesting that we all jump ship to drink Absolut vodka, based on 20 minutes of online research. But a Smart Sensuality woman, and a Cultural Creative, I will investigate Absolut’s marketing campaign further.

If their track record is ‘cleaner’ than most on Cultural Creative values, then they just got a new customer.

In an effort to help you understand the different between a Modern values vodka campaign and these Cultural Creative one, let’s check out an ‘at random, first in line’ pull of a Modern Ciroc vodka YouTube video. Anne

Modern Day “Rat Pack” Diddy and Ciroc