V Magazine's V127 V Is for Vote Issue | 12 Covers, 45 Creative Activists

The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included. Everyone deserves a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts the lives of its people first. – Taylor Swift

A Timeline of Taylor Swift’s Political Evolution Billboard

Taylor Swift Endorses Joe Biden & Kamala Harris PRIDE

Taylor Swift Instagram

"I spoke to @vmagazine about why I’ll be voting for Joe Biden for president. So apt that it’s come out on the night of the VP debate," Taylor wrote, revealing her cover for the newest issue of V Magazine while also sharing a candid picture of her baking Biden/Harris-themed cookies. "Gonna be watching and supporting @KamalaHarris by yelling at the tv a lot. And I also have custom cookies." 

Taylor Swift

V Magazine delivers its Winter 2020.21 127 online edition in time for the election, delivering ‘The Thought Leaders’ collection of 45 musicians, politicians, models and activists making permanent, life-changing commitments to activism. Find all the talent at V Magazine.

Inez & Vinoodh photograph 12 different covers for the issue — each featured here and including: Bella Hadid, Chris EvansHalseyJaden SmithJanaya Future KhanJanelle MonáeJennifer Lawrence, Julianne Moore, Mariah CareyMegan RapinoePaperboy Prince, and Taylor Swift.

AOC includes each cover activist’s V Magazine thoughts, while expanding commentary about their activism from other media. Wherever possible, we cite specific new initiatives in which the V Magazine thought leader is a founder of the project.

More important election-related articles in V Magazine #127:

Everything You Need to Know about Voter Suppression

How Your Favorite Celebrities are Using Their Platform to Urge People to Vote

Even Your Social Media Wants You to Vote

Bella Hadid

Voting is a right we have as a part of a democracy. It is a freedom that many people in this world do not have, so being able to use our vote to help individuals and communities across America is a right we should all exercise. [I am voting] to represent the younger generation. We all have a lot to say and want to be as vocal as possible – [voting] is how we can put our thoughts into action and see the changes we want to see. – Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid Is Donating to 13 Charities in Lebanon The 961

Bella is also promoting the Plus1 Campaign — which features the new V Magazine issue — along with many other issues tied to VOTING like ‘Save the Earth’ for Buzzfeed.


Chris Evans

I think we are on the cusp of a really motivated, driven generation of young people who are very awake and connected. It is such a platitude, but they really are the future. It’s always the students, isn’t it? Whether it was the civil rights in the ‘60s or today, its’ always the young people [working toward change]. With every younger generations, they care and less about the archaic social norms that people before them are trying to preserve. Now more than ever, young people are involved in shaping the political and social landscape. It really is like a potter’s wheel and these young voices are molding our future. – Chris Evans

Chris Evans has a new website aimed at getting Americans more involved in the political process Boston Globe

Joe Kiani, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Mark Kassen and Chris Evans.

A Starting Point is a video-based civic engagement platform created by Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, and technology entrepreneur Joe Kiani. ASP’s mission is to create a bipartisan channel of communication and connectivity between Americans and their elected officials with the goal of creating a more informed electorate.

Jaden Smith

I’m voting because I haven’t been happy with the leadership. I don’t feel as though I’m being represented or that I’m being listened to, or that the black community is being represented or listened to at large. Things need to change, starting with how we treat the people of color in the nation and how we’re allowing these systems of racism to still exist and for us to still follow them. That’s the main thing that keeps me up at night. – Jaden Smith

Introducing Jaden Smith’s New Snapchat Series About Activism and Justice Paper Magazine

Colin Kaepernick Docuseries, Jaden Smith Activism Show Highlight Snapchat Originals Unscripted Slate Deadline

Janelle Monáe

I will be voting against racist policies and tactics that have continued to oppress and traumatize Black people. Even I have been gerrymandered, just before the election of [Atlanta Mayor] Keisha Lance Bottoms, my county was redistricted, meaning her name was not on my ballot. After the election, my county went back to the original county lines. That is gerrymandering, and it is used to oppress and separate our voices. – Janelle Monáe

She is also a co-chair of When We All Vote, a non-profit organization dedicated to decreasing the race and age gap in voting and increasing voter turnout during US elections. 

‘The past is not the past’: Janelle Monae on art and activism in 2020 Fast Company

Life’s Work: An Interview with Janelle Monáe Harvard Business Review

Janelle Monáe Talks Writing Stacey Abrams Doc Theme: ‘What Is a Revolution Without a Song?’ Rolling Stone


It’s more important to vote right now than it ever has been. There are millions of lives at risk, and if it’s not millions of lives, then it’s the safety and comfort of millions of lives. I have seen my fans line up outside of a venue for three days to get into a concert, and I’ve seen people line up outside of a GameStop because a new Call of Duty game is dropping. They should be doing the exact same thing at a polling center. It’s like, Go get in line! – Halsey

Halsey discusses the wealth tax with Bernie Sanders: “we must eradicate billionaires” NME

Janaya Future Khan

It is always so important to take every opportunity we have to punch up at unjust systems of power. The idea of voting as a singular effort at change doesn’t work. But is it a necessary one? Yes. We should always be fighting the consolidation of power, and especially when that power is corrupt. – Janaya Future Khan

Janaya Future Khan: ‘Our Job Is to Make Revolution Irresistible’ TIME

Where Spirituality Meets Protest: Inside the Activism of Black Lives Matter’s Janaya Future Khan Vogue

Jennifer Lawrence

The bad news can feel overwhelming at times, but the most important thing is to stay focused on the ways we can all be part of the solution. In the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others, I’m inspired by the millions of people around the world who have banded together to finally say ‘enough’.. the collective voice of the people s enacting real change, and that gives me hope. But there’s still a lot of anger, which I think is important. – Jennifer Lawrence

Democracy reform’s A-listers join the call for voting at a social distance The Fulcrum

United to Save the Vote Represent US (Lawrence is a key founder)

Mariah Carey

Voting is so important because it is one way to show up for ourselves and our communities. It’s an opportunity for us to honor our ancestors – those that were unable to vote because of racism and sexism – and elect people that we hold accountable. I am so proud of the young people organizing, particularly Back people, who are leading this movement. – Mariah Carey

In a new interview, Mariah Carey uses her childhood to make a case for voting MIC

Paperboy Prince

I’m voting because we gotta spread love. We gotta represent our community. We gotta make sure our voices are heard, because most of the time a lot of us don’t actually get our and vote. With that and all the other work we’re doing in the streets, change is gonna happen. – Paperboy Prince


Brooklyn’s Paperboy Prince Is Running On Universal Basic Income & Spreading Love Refinery 29

Julianne Moore

It’s important to vote because it’s our responsibility. We have liberties and freedoms in our country and advantages that not everyone has. It’s something that we as citizens have to do and a right we shouldn’t take for granted, especially when so many aren’t afforded this right. We need to all be actively participating in our democracy, and one degree of participation is voting. -Julianne Moore

As an Actor and Activist, Julianne Moore Has Never Been Afraid to Take a Stand Departures

Julianne Moore and Christian Siriano Encourage Voting in the Most Glamorous Way Possible Vogue

I believe voting is a part of a deep responsibility each of us have to make this country better. Every right and liberty [that] I enjoy has been voted into law. Now those of us have those rights must [also] also vote in the interest of others. The world I want to live in is not reflected in our government officials and that needs to change. This election is a choice between democracy or autocracy. There is no other reason I need to vote in November. – Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe says 'we all have a responsibility to make the world a better place' CNN