In A Testosterone-Infused USA, Is Stephen Doniger, Esq. On the Hunt for Anne Enke?

This company emailed me Monday, Jan. 18, 2021 and again on Jan. 20, 2021, wanting to post on AOC. Given everything going on with Stephen Doniger Esq., the timing is very unsettling. It’s probably just a coincidence. But it sure is unsettling.

This company emailed me Monday, Jan. 18, 2021 and again on Jan. 20, 2021, wanting to post on AOC. Given everything going on with Stephen Doniger Esq., the timing is very unsettling. It’s probably just a coincidence. But it sure is unsettling.

On Monday, Jan. 18, 2021 I heard from these law-enforcement-type people — in the image above. On Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2020, I heard from Stephen Doniger, Esq. telling me that I had gone “silent” again regarding the August Image LLC and Alexander Stross lawsuits Doniger filed against me early in the summer of 2020.

Today, Jan. 20, 2021 as America prepared to swear in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our new president and vice president, I heard from the above-mentioned munitions company again.

To be clear, no threats of any kind were made against me by the firearms company above. In fact, Allen was very complimentary about me, writing:

“ I just wanted to say that your website’s design is amazing! The visuals really enhance your message and the content compels action.”

Something tells me that Allen isn’t talking about being inspired by AOC to buy designer dresses or organic honey or to book the next flight for a safari in Africa, COVID-19 aside.

Most likely, he is speaking about my writing around the Jan. 6, 2020 assault on the U.S. Capitol.

From the viral spread of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu fundamentalism and fighting religion’s global assault on women’s rights, to the full-blown rise of white nationalism in America, AOC has maintained a steady voice of condemnation. I am dead-on-arrival in the Arab world for my ferocious work to end the brutal flogging of women in Sudan.

Allen’s outreach didn’t come the obvious route via Contact Anne on the AOC website or as a form letter marketing outreach via Google selling my information. I routinely receive 3-5 of those a day.

It seems unlikely that Google suggests that AOC is open to paid posts connected to the business of purchasing firearms, since every word written about firearms on this website promotes gun safety. If so, then Allen would have my direct email address from Google.

About two-three years ago, I received a similar inquiry for a munitions free link, so this is not the first time. The assumption that many digital-marketing types actually read articles before asking for a (mostly) free link is a bad assumption. So Allen’s pointed (and unsettling) praise of me and AOC may just be another marketing type not doing his homework.

Then again . . .

Allen might also have my direct email address because he is the person who posed as a senior editor for Vogue Mexico and Vogue Latin America this summer — at the exact time that Stephen Doniger Esq. was suing me in the wrong state of PA for copyright infringement.

Just Like Trump, Stephen Doniger Esq. Dispenses With Legal Procedures

Doniger dispensed with any of the usual formalities that typically precede the actual filing of an image infringement lawsuit. As we speak, Doniger has been contacted by a legal firm representing me when he tries to collect judgments against me. He has been instructed not to contact me, that my position on his lawsuits is firm.

I have not “gone silent”. There is nothing to negotiate. If you’ve ever tried to tell your ex-husband to leave you alone — this is my current experience with Stephen Doniger Esq.

Estimates that I’ve reviewed are that only 3-4% of federal copyright infringement lawsuits are filed in the hyper-aggressive manner employed by Stephen Doniger Esq with me. The process includes a DMCA takedown notice (which would have avoided suing me in the wrong state), cease and desist letter and/or combined financial demand letter, and a threatening facsimile of the actual lawsuit document that is unfiled in federal court but must be taken very seriously. Typically, verbal contact is made and negotiations occur.

Only at the end of this process — if there is no mutually agreed-upon resolution — is the lawsuit actually filed in federal court with the accompanying fees.

Stephen Doniger Esq. afforded me none of these usual procedural actions, putting me in a total state of shock over August Image LLC, where there was not one word of conversation around the conflicting images with Yolanda James, the “enforcer” for August Image LLC. I was 110% blindsided by the August Image LLC lawsuit and have said so multiple times.

Using an old address for AOC, a place I hadn’t lived in for seven years when he filed suit, no effort was made by Doniger/Burroughs to even contact me about the lawsuits. Even after Stephen Doniger Esq. knew there was a problem serving me — that I didn’t live at the address he used in the court papers — he made no effort to contact me. Only when I was dangerously close — about two weeks — to a default judgment date did Stephen Doniger Esq. send an email to me, even though all my information, including my phone # was available via James.

It was the intention of Stephen Doniger Esq. to metaphorically “slam me up against the wall” with the lawsuits. Between working with the highly-professional New York lawyers used by Victoria’s Secret and lawyers involved in a partnership fight in the 80s, I have never witnessed the hyper-aggressive tactics employed by Doniger/Burroughs. It was unadulterated intimidation tactics straight out of the gate.

As I wrote Doniger yesterday, reminding him yet again, that my position is clear, I’ve dealt with the New York mafia. I’ve sued the NYPD after being arrested in Harlem. Anne is no babe in the woods on scare tactics.

And now Stephen Doniger Esq. refuses to understand why I will not pay his court costs. Let it be known that August Image LLC is not seeking any damages or compensation. All of this insanity is about one man’s ego and financial resources, and his name is Doniger, OR — there is something much more sinister going on around me.

Stephen Doniger Esq. Blew Up the Negotiations With His Own Insults

Today on Inauguration Day January 20, 2021, I find myself in a situation where Stephen Doniger Esq. refuses to accept the reality that I am not paying his court costs pronto (or ever now). I’ve made my position totally clear since the day he told me I have no innate creativity and only steal the artistic works of others, that I will not pay him or his clients one dime.

Stephen Doniger pushed me over the edge with one too many insults. Like Trump he plays good cop/bad cop within a period of 15 minutes, and you don’t know what hit you.

With extremely limited financial resources, I had agreed in late October/early November to a financial plan with Alexander Stross, because Doniger kept dangling August Image out there in the future. At the time, the August Image situation concerned me. My own friends and advisers were very disappointed in me that I took that position — to just get rid of Stross. When Stephen Doniger Esq surprised me, demanding his court fees up front for Stross, I said I would “do my best”, but I was not at all confident I could do that. I had agreed to an installment agreement that included those fees.

Bottom line, Stephen Doniger Esq. blew up everything by demanding that his fees be paid up front. Seeing that I was trying for a short time to raise money on AOC for my own legal expenses, Doniger suggested that I pay him with that money.

Are Stephen Doniger, Esq., a Fake Senior Editor at Vogue Mexico and a Firearms Website Connected in a Post-Capitol Assault World?

Photo by Piotr Wilk on Unsplash

Photo by Piotr Wilk on Unsplash

Does this insanity sound Trumpian to you?

It does to me, and Doniger knows that I feel that his Federalist Society ties and his overall hyper-aggressive style of refusing to take “no” for an answer put my danger radar on red alert!

If you’ve been in police protection for a year over Planned Parenthood, being stalked by some deranged white dude who is trying to kill you, Stephen Doniger’s “negotiating style” sends off alarm bells.

If I packed up all these strange emails from Stephen Doniger Esq., the fake Vogue Mexico senior editor emails, fake editorials, fake Marvel marketing strategy, fake interviews that I published on AOC, printed them out and delivered them to the police department in Williamsville, New York that handled my stalking case, the wonderful lieutenant would take them seriously. So would the squad car that rolled around my house every hour all night long.

And now the munitions company above coincidentally decides to reach out to me, right now when Doniger is in full meltdown?

If I asked the lieutenant in my stalking case if it’s weird that such a high-flying attorney answers my emails every time within minutes — unless the answer is particularly wordy like yesterday, and it took 30-40 minutes — he would say “yes”.

Or the attorney doesn’t have enough to do, could be another possibility. No high-flying attorney I’ve ever known regularly answers emails in a minute or two, and certainly in five - 10 minutes. It takes hours and sometimes until the next day to get a call back, if the matter isn’t urgent.

My Williamsville, NY lieutenant was very concerned for me over the rope to hang myself, the decapitated and bloodied animals left on my doorstep, the phone number that had to be disconnected, the knocking on my windows at night. My stalker was always there. Surely, he knew that I had gone to the police because he knew where my shop was located,. He had to see the police car during the night, as there is no doubt that he regularly left boxes at my front door.

This summer I felt the same way about Anne of Carversville. There was a strangely unique set of circumstances happening all around me. And it was ALL negative.

When I heard from the company above in the image, I remembered Williamsville and all that went on in the summer of 2020.

I have no idea, if Doniger was/is part of the effort to take down AOC, and I assume that we will never know the answer to that question. But I will show readers exactly what happened to me last summer, and the efforts that people went to, determined to destroy my reputation and credibility

My eyes buzzed when Doniger wrote that Yolanda James’ response to his inquiry about my defense of using the August images (which were not in August’s inventory when posted in 2016) was “my great reputation”. In fact, Yolanda James knows that I claim “fair use” and make a very strong argument as to why.

Not knowing then that selective copyright enforcement is legal — unlike trademark enforcement which I did at Victoria’s Secret, and it involved copywritten fabric designs — I definitely bristled over assertions that AOC was damaging the perceived value of images. When those same images are in the visual trash can of the Fashion Spot, I felt we all should be sued.

If fact, it was totally legal for Doniger to pick his target to pursue an infringement claim in the August Images case. He picked me, and he entered into federal court documents savagely negative, untrue statements about me, which are now all over the Internet.

Anne Enke Accuses Stephen Doniger, Esq. of Not Believing Her Refusal to Pay His Legal Fees

Photo by Piotr Wilk on Unsplash

Photo by Piotr Wilk on Unsplash

Clearly, I’m not accusing Stephen Doniger, Esq. of any unusually hostile or threatening action towards Anne Enke or Anne of Carversville. Our current relationship is more like the movie ‘War of the Roses’.

But I will document carefully via emails that 1) His actions are all perfectly timed to coincide with some very dramatic actions against me in the last eight months, and 2) Since early November, 2020 I’ve told Stephen Doniger Esq. that I’m not paying him any money, and I will accept the court judgments. I will now publish those emails, as I’ve held back in hopes of a resolution to my Doniger/Burroughs conflict.

I directly asked August Image’s own photographers in this lawsuit if they wanted me to remove all their images from AOC and did not receive any instructions to do so from them or their agent. Clearly I was prepared to remove the images or any other images from AOC. I’ve also made it clear that if August Image gives me access to their website, I will remove any potential problem images from AOC. Or they can give me the list of what to remove.

The lawyers who will handle any judgment against me have been in contact with Stephen Doniger Esq. and his staff, and have told him not to contact me, that he has no reason to contact me. My position is clear:

1) Doniger’s clients will either drop the cases and pay the fees Doniger is demanding, 2) Doniger will absorb the fees that he incurred because of his brash actions and my refusal to capitulate, or 3) Doniger will get a judgment against me and AOC.

It scares me that Stephen Doniger Esq. and his clients — who could tell him to STOP THIS!!! — will not take ‘no’ for an answer.

If either the first or second action happens, I should receive a copy of the court documents. If the third action happens, Doniger is to contact my attorneys because my financial resources are not available to him. I never thought I would be happy to be a senior citizen, but the law is different, when you are.

Every Democrat Woman Activist With a Brain Is On Guard

After the events of January 6, 2021, when terror rang out across America’s Capitol and I am writing about it, I want to share publicly that I now fear that Stephen Doniger Esq. will get federal court judgments and ignore the instructions he has from my lawyers to contact them, as required by federal law.

His every action suggests that he will ignore the law in collecting on any judgments and not work through them. I believe the image of the gun above is a warning to me, arriving Monday and Wednesday, with an email from Doniger yesterday. Given what is going on and my having been in the center of the white nationalism conflict for years, I have every right to be concerned.

Based on his existing pattern of ignoring legal procedures, I fear that Stephen Doniger, Esq. will send an armed sheriff, locked and loaded to my front door, to collect his legal fees. I want my fear recorded here at AOC, and if anything bad happens to me, I want the authorities to interview Stephen Doniger, Esq.

There is no reason for me to be in communication with Doniger. And yet — like a Trump-loving kind of guy, the testosterone-infused, John Wayne gunslinger — Stephen Doniger Esq. refuses to take one of the three legal routes available to him. He just contacted me aggressively again — this minute at 3:58 pm.

Stephen Doniger, Esq. Scares Me. I Want That on the Record.

The night I left my husband decades ago, he was trying to strangle me because I overcooked the brussel sprouts. Thankfully, our good friends Bonnie and Jerry were present, and they wouldn’t leave without me. As they fought off Barry, slamming my head against the floor with his hands around my neck, they told me to pack a suitcase now.

Just to be clear, my husband was trying to strangle me in true Othello fashion because I told him that next time he could “cook his own damn brussel sprouts”. I had worked really hard to create a lovely dinner, and it’s true that the sprouts were mushy. Barry could have cut me some slack, and I certainly didn’t deserve to die over the incident. And they say women are irrational.

Huge numbers of American white men do not like uppity women. Unfortunately, I think another one is in my house. Given the current state of American politics, it may be a small militia.

In the case of Stephen Doniger, Esq. I ask him to stop threatening to get a default judgment against me, when I’ve already made it clear since November that I understand he can move to do just that.

The only request I make is that he follow the law and not send Federalist Society, armed white dudes to my door to get his money. I ask him to contact my attorneys, who have reached out to him, and that he operate within federal legal procedures. Doniger’s willingness to operate like a vigilante attorney in how he filed these lawsuits in the first place tells me that I have reason to be fearful that in true Trumpian fashion, he will take the law into his own hands.

Anne Enke, January 20, 2021