Frivolous, Glam Snaps of Fashionable Plastic Sink in Harper's Bazaar Vietnam

Frivolous, Glam Snaps of Fashionable Plastic Sink in Harper's Bazaar Vietnam

The fashion activism, environmental concerns proposition of Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam is to join forces with photographer Per Florian Appelgren [IG]and stylist Jenny Gold [IG] in this ‘clear-eyed’ fashion story ‘The Plasticize — What to Do With Plastic’ about fashion’s obsession with plastic. The images, writes HB Vietnamevoked thoughts for us about the solution”.

Really????? You sure lost me in this sea of modern-looking, cool plastic that is supposed to prompt thoughtful conversation. Now THIS fashion story is greenwashing at its best, people. Period.

As a courtesy I went to Harper’s Vietnam — unlike 95% of writers out there — in an effort to give the creative team an opportunity to explain the images.

Anne auggestion: How about adding a big plastic fish to the shoot, just one image with a fashionable collar of bubble wrap tied around its throat and more plastic running out of its blissed-out mouth. As it chokes to death, model Xara Giulia could be petting its head, saying “Good fish, good fish . . just calm down now. This fashion intellectuals team is on the case. . . Just be a good and patient fish. . . Change is coming from the fashionistas. . . We promise you . . . Hang tight, fishies. . . The cool people are on the case, giving you 10 fashion tips on how to artfully make plastic cool, while we call it recycling. HA. HA. HA!”

And we wonder why Greenpeace hates us!!!