Redtracker | The Health Benefits of Decoupling Money & Masculinity For Both Men & Women
/Women's News Headlines August 20, 2016
New research shows Millennial men's well-being improved from staying at home, while women's improved by being the breadwinners. In spite of popular culture images of the emasculated male whose wife makes more money than he does, research shares a much more positive assessment of the situation.
“A lot of the gendered expectations in marriage are left over from a different era,” Christin Munsch, a sociologist at the University of Connecticut, explains. “We expect women to be primarily responsible for child care. When men ‘help out’ they get brownie points.”
Societal expectations that women take primary responsibility for housework and childcare—while men bring home the money—are relics of the breadwinner-homemaker model that, to Munsch, “isn’t really relevant to today's couples.” Reality is that in most marriages today, both people have jobs. Relics of the Ozzie & Harriet past aren't serving modern couples well.
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